An absolute shower
By Vivid writer:
Paul-Andre Baran
Posted: 01/05/2007

[...] Take the case of Bucharest - with an already apathetic mayor and local
council, not much has been accomplished during the past three years. The
historic centre is still a shambolic disgrace, with the first form of
anything like an infrastructure improvement project only just getting
underway. Though hotly contested by residents and experts alike, most who
challenge the city's claim that the Basarab overpass will reduce gridlock,
work on the overpass began in the last week of March. Mayor Videanu has
ignored the resounding public outcry for zoning laws that better protect
historic buildings and provide for a minimum level of constraint in real
estate development. Even in Piata Universitatea, the ill effects of
uncontrolled business has reared itself in the form of unaesthetic neon clad
casinos blinding passersby, even those wearing a pair of fake Gucci
sunglasses. Presently, the Democratic Party hold 20 of the 54 city council
seats and with the coalition split this inevitably means that it will be
increasingly difficult to effect progress on the streets of Bucharest. What
about the roughly 8,000 households needed to shelter those families who will
be evicted this year due to property restitutions? Since Mr Videanu entered
office, there are more than 300,000 cars in Bucharest. So where are the road
improvements, and the long-awaited car parks? The answer is there aren't
any, and Mr Videanu is squarely to blame. [...]

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