Dragi parteneri,

Proiectul european "QUALITEDU"- Calitate in Educatie, proiect 
cofinantat de Uniunea Europeana in cadrul Programului Leonardo da 
Vinci (/05/B/F/PP-154020) se apropie de final.

Fazele cheie ale proiectului sunt:
-       colectarea de date transnationale privind standardele si 
reglementarile ce influenteaza calitatea 
din educatia si formarea vocationala; 
-       identificarea de exemple de bune practici;
-       dezvoltarea unui cadru de criterii de calitate; 
-       construirea unui instrument de auto-evaluarea managementului 
-       testarea si evaluarea eficientei instrumentului de auto-

Munca partenerilor din 5 tari europene (Italia, Bulgaria, Franta, 
Marea Britanie, Romania) s-a bucurat de un real succes, drept dovada 
stand produsele obtinute in cadrul proiectului:
glosar interactiv, site web (http://www.qualitedu.it), dosar de bune 

In prezent partenerii lucreaza la realizarea instrumentului de auto-
evaluare, care va ajuta organizatiile din domeniul educatiei si 
formarii in procesul lor de management si monitorizare a 
imbunatatirii calitatii, punand pe prim plan oamenii.
De indata ce instrumentul va fi finalizat, acesta va putea fi testat 
de organizatiile interesate. 

Toate organizatiile interesate de testarea instrumentului de auto-
evaluare ne pot contacta la adresa: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Va multumim anticipat pentru atentia si interesul dvs. 

Toate cele bune, 
Emilia Saulescu 

Dear partners,

The European project "QUALITEDU"- Quality in Education co-financed by 
the European Union within the Leonardo da Vinci programme (/05/B/F/PP-
154020) is heading to the end.

The key phases of the project are:
-       collecting transnational data on the standards and 
regulations influencing quality in vocational
    education and training; 
-       identifying examples of best practices;
-       developing a framework of quality criteria; 
-       constructing the quality management self-evaluation tool
-       testing and evaluating the effectiveness of the self-
evaluation tool.

The work of the partners from the 5 European countries (Italy, 
Bulgaria, France, UK, Romania) enjoyed a real success, and as proof 
stand the products obtained within the project: interactive glossary, 
website (http://www.qualitedu.it), good practices dossier. 

At present the partners are working on the accomplishment of the self-
evaluation tool that will help the organizations in the field of 
education and vocational training in their management and monitoring 
of a people-focused quality improvement process. 
As soon as the tool is finalised, it will be able to be tested by the 
interested organisations. 

All the organisations that are interested in testing the self-
evaluation tool can contact us at the address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you in advance for your attention and interest. 

Kind regards,
Emilia Saulescu  

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