525-507843> &categorie=politics&id=20070525-507843

TI report: Corruption at new highs last year


Corruption has spread significantly in the past year, in the context of
fierce political battles which also involved institutions in charge of
fighting the phenomenon.


published in issue 3939 page 2 at 2007-05-25


BUCHAREST - "We can put it like this: in the last year, the patient with
cancer lay on the operating table and around him, surgeons fought over
methods and procedures of plastic surgery," the Executive Director of
Transparency International Romania, Victor Alistar said yesterday at the
launch of the institution's Global Report on Corruption. The chapter on
Romania focuses on events that took place between April 2006 and March this
year but also on law changes of other anti-corruption methods implemented in
this period, Mediafax reported.

The document shows that the level of corruption has increased in the past
year, in the context of a troubled political stage. "Given the fact that
anti-corruption institutions were involved in the political fight and that
decision-makers left aside the implementation of extant laws, corruption in
Romania remained at the same levels and even spread to new directions," the
author of the report on Romania, Iuliana Cospanaru, added.

The TI report was not designed to set up a ranking of most corrupt countries
or of most corrupt fields of activities, but rather to set a "diagnostic" of
the corruption in Romania. The representatives of the organisation analysed
several surveys and press materials and reached the conclusion that
Romanians basically perceive corruption the same as in previous years. The
most vulnerable areas remain public administration and the legal system, the
report says. IT also criticised the National Anti-corruption Department for
failing to obtain relevant court sentences in high-level corruption cases.

"There are two variants here: either the files are not investigated properly
or the courts deliberately give extremely light sentences for high-level
corruption, compared to the verdicts generally made for cases of forgery,
for instance," said Alistar.

Less corruption in the police force

TI however underlines that some progress has been made in the monitored
period. "We were surprised to find that in the police there is a lower
degree of corruption than before," said the TI director. The report also
welcomed the recent passage of the law for the creation of the National
Integrity Agency (ANI) by Parliament, although this did not happen in the
monitored period. "We are now waiting for the law to be enforced. We can
say, as in previous years, that, leaving aside the legislative aberrations
the Romanian Parliament commits, the legislation includes several provisions
which could actually improve the situation, but they are not applied," said

The report urges Romanian authorities to unite criminal legislation. "We
have three criminal codes at the moment: the one in force, the one that was
adopted but which was not yet enforced and the one proposed by the Justice
Ministry," said Alistar. He added that authorities should settle on one
variant and that this new criminal code should be accompanied by a criminal
procedure code in order to have a clear judiciary practice in this sector.

Moreover, Alistar insisted on the adoption of a law that would establish the
concept of ethics adviser and on the correct implementation of existing
procedures. "If we apply the laws we have now correctly and
non-discriminatively and if we avoid dragging state institutions into
political battles which should not have anything to do with these
institutions' activity, we would see that things would improve significantly
and quickly," he said.

The TI Global Report on Corruption 2007 is the sixth analysis of the kind
that the organisation has put together and especially focuses on corruption
among magistrates and in courts of justice. The document tries to put the
finger on the phenomenon of corruption within the legal system and to
analyse the political, economic and social pressures put on the system. The
document also includes analyses of corruption cases in the legal system and
their effects, along with evaluations of general efforts to combat the
phenomenon and recommendations for a more efficient anti-corruption fight.

Previously, TI reports focused on corruption in the health care system
(2006), post-war reconstruction efforts (2005), politics (2004) and access
to information (2003). The first report of the organisation, in 2001, was a
global analysis of corruption everywhere in the world.


by Alecs Iancu <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


(C) 2000-2005 Nine o'Clock

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