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Dracula's Castle in Transylvania Now Offered by Baytree Capital

By Sharon L. Crenson

June 28 (Bloomberg) -- The Romanian castle that inspired Bram Stoker's
``Dracula'' has a new sales agent: Wall Street's Baytree Capital Associates

Descendents of Romanian royalty have been trying to sell the 13th century
property since December, first offering it to the local municipality of
Brasov, 125 miles north of Bucharest, then to foreign investors. In January,
family attorney Corin Trandafir said bids topped $78 million. No sale

Empty land surrounding the hilltop fortress is ripe for hotel development,
though the family will insist the castle remain intact as part of any sales
contract, Baytree Chairman Michael Gardner said in an interview. 

"The property is absolutely beautiful,'' Gardner said. "As long as the
castle itself is maintained and the history is kept intact, I don't think
anyone will have any problem'' with development. 

The castle was built in 1212 by Teutonic knights and used two centuries
later by Romania's Vlad the Impaler, who inspired the Dracula legend of a
blood-sucking vampire. The fortress is now a museum. 

The current owners are Dominic von Habsburg, an industrial designer living
in New York, and his sisters Elisabeth Sandhofer and Maria-Magdalena
Holzhausen, who live in Austria. 

The Romanian government a year ago dropped plans to build a Count Dracula
theme park near Bucharest, saying the Romanian company expected to build it
didn't secure the investment it promised. 

To contact the reporter on this story: Sharon L. Crenson in New York at

Last Updated: June 28, 2007 16:56 EDT
"Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness." (Carlo Goldoni)

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace." (Jimi Hendrix)

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