Please allow me to forward and email from Eurodesk, where they are 
looking for creative input into their new campaign.

> Dear Friends,
> We will soon be launching a new European Awareness initiative called. ".
> so you think you know it all?" .
> As part of this project, we will be making new materials and would like to
> use some young artists to help with creating them.
> We have issued a call for artists on our website and ! would be very
> greatful if you could help to publicise this:
> Time is very short for us, so we need a quick response to the advert. Any
> help you can give to circulate it more widely will be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks for your co-operation.
> Cheers,
> Bob
> _______________________________________________
> Eurodesk aisbl
> Scotland House; Rond-Point Schuman 6; B-1040 Brussels
> Tel: +32 2 282 83 84; Fax: +32 2 282 83 90

Oana Mosoiu 
PR & Programe    
Euro<26 Romania - Cardul european de tineret 
Pta Valter Maracineanu nr. 1 - 3, intr. 5, et. 4, cam. 337, s. 1, Bucuresti 
Tel.: + 4 021 313 40 16  /  [EMAIL PROTECTED] /   
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