DWO Political Summer SchoolLa A.F.R. a ajuns mesajul de mai jos din partea 
d-nei Daniela Ochs 
Bundesleitung der Österreichischen Frauenbewegung 
Büroleitung Österreichische Frauenbewegung 

Din pacate d-na Sulfina Barbu, sau d-nele din organizatia de femei a Partidului 
Democrat  nu s-au adresat pina in prezent asociatiei noastre ,asa ca noi nu am 
reusit decit sa oferim cele 2 numere de telefon de pe site-ul partidului ,unde 
nu exista nici o informatie despre scoala de vara dela Costinesti!
Daca aveti informatii despre eveniment , contactati-ne URGENT .
Multumim ,
Liliana Pagu
Presedinte Asociatia Femeilor din Romania A.F.R.
Coordonator National al Retelei ONG-urilor de/pentru Femei din Romania

 Dear Mrs. Pagu, 

Former Minister Maria Rauch-Kallat got an invitation for the Political Summer 
School in Costinesti (27th of August - 2nd of September) from Sulfina Barbu, 
President of DWO. The E-Mail-Invitation was sent by Adriana Preoteasa (Head of 
President´s Cabinet, DWO). 
  I register her for the event via mail and we didn´t got an answer so far. Can 
you tell me, who I can contact (via telephone) for this problem? 

  Kind regards, 
  Daniela Ochs 

  Dear Mrs. Pagu, 

  Thank you for sending the Phone numbers, but they are always busy. I´m very 
nervous, because the event is on Thursday and I didn´t got a feedback from the 
organizer of the political summer school so far. 
  Did you find out some informations or contact? 

  Thank you! 
  Kindest regards, 
  Daniela Ochs

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