This message is repeated afterwards in English.

Dragi parteneri,

Va informam ca in luna septembrie 2007 s-a incheiat proiectul WOMBACK 
(Adaptarea educatiei permanente pentru femeile ce doresc sa reintre 
pe piata muncii), in cadrul programului european Leonardo da Vinci. 
Proiectul s-a derulat pe o perioada de 36 de luni.
Parteneriatul proiectului a reunit 10 organizatii din 7 tari 
europene: Spania, Finlanda, Portugalia, Germania, Bulgaria, Italia si 

Grupul tinta al proiectului l-a reprezentat femeile, care dupa ce au 
parasit piata muncii pentru a avea grija de copii sau de rudele mai 
in varsta, doresc sa reintre pe piata muncii. 

Obiectivele proiectului au fost:
Pe baza analizei bunelor practici, adaptarea sistemelor de pregatire 
permanenta si a instrumentelor aferente, la nevoile si 
caracteristicile grupului tinta, in cadrul diferitelor domenii de 
•       Programare. Stabilirea cadrului sistemelor de pregatire. 
•       Planificare. Stabilirea unui plan de pregatire, inclusiv 
probleme organizationale comune diferitelor actiuni de pregatire. 
•       Coordonarea actiunilor de pregatire. Probleme legate de 
organizarea de actiuni concrete de pregatire. 
•       Probleme pedagogice, inclusiv probleme precum metodologia de 
predare, structura si continutul materialelor de pregatire, etc. 
•       Evaluarea actiunilor de pregatire, oferind o apreciere in 
vederea viitoarelor probleme legate de programare, planificare, 
coordonare, precum si probleme pedagogice. 
•       Consiliere in domeniul pietii muncii si pregatirii, precum 
metode de a te inscrie la o actiune de pregatire sau gasirea unei 
slujbe in urma acestei pregatiri. 

Produsele proiectului sunt:
1.      Analiza situatiei grupului tinta pe piata muncii si in 
pregatirea vocationala continua, la nivel national si european; 
2.      Analiza situatiei educatiei vocationale permanente la nivelul 
tarilor partenere in proiect; 
3.      Analiza bunelor practici la nivel national si adaptarea lor 
la nivelul parteneriatului international; 
4.      Document de referinta in limba engleza si romana ce cuprinde 
concluziile si propunerile rezultate in urma proiectului. 

  Toate persoanele/ organizatiile interesate de documentul de 
referinta al proiectului, si care doresc sa intre in posesia lui (on 
line) ne pot contacta la adresa: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Va multumim anticipat pentru atentia si interesul dvs! 

Toate cele bune,
Emilia Saulescu
Presedinte SREP
Dear partners,

We wish to inform you that the project WOMBACK (The adaptation of 
permanent education for the women wishing to return to the labour 
market) has ended in September 2007, within the European programme 
Leonardo da Vinci. 
The project has been in activity for 36 months.
The partnership of the project has brought together 10 organizations 
from 7 European countries: Spain, Finland, Portugal, Germany, 
Bulgaria, Italy and Romania.

The target group of the project was made up of women who, after 
having left the labour market, to take care of children or older 
relatives, wish to re-enter this market.

The project objectives have been:
Based on the analysis of the good practices, the adaptation of the 
permanent education systems, and the afferent tools, the needs and 
specific features of the target group, within different training 
•       Programming. Establishing the frame for the training systems.
•       Planning. Establishing a training plan, including organizing 
problems, common to different training actions.
•       Coordonarea actiunilor de pregatire. Probleme legate de 
organizarea de actiuni concrete de pregatire. 
•       Pedagogical problems, including issues like teaching 
methodology, structure and content of the training materials, etc.
•       Evaluation of the training actions, offering an appreciation 
from the point of view of future problems related to programming, 
planning, coordination, as well as pedagogical problems.
•       Counselling in the domain of labour market and training, as 
well as methods to apply for a training action or to find a job after 
the training is over.
The project products are:
5.      Analysis of the situation of the target group on the labour 
market and the permanent vocational training, both at national, as 
well as European levels;
6.      Analysis of the situation of the permanent vocational 
training at the level of the countries participating in the project;
7.      Analysis of the good practices at a national level, and 
adapting them to the level of the international partnership;
8.      A reference document written in English and Romanian, 
containing the conclusions and proposals resulted from the project.

All the persons / organizations interested in this reference document 
of the project, and who are interested in having it (on-line), can 
contact us at the e-mail address [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        Thank you in advance for your time and your interest!

Best regards,
Emilia Saulescu
President SREP

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