-not-an-eu-topic/> European Elections in Romania not an EU topic?
22 Nov

On Sunday, 25 November, Romania will hold its first European elections.
While Romanian MEPs have been already present in the European Parliament as
observers and since 1/1/2007 as regular members it is the first time that
Romanias will have the possibility to directly elect their candidates to the
European Parliament.
Romania 7th largest country in European Parliament

In Brussels itself it is very quiet around the Romanian Euro-elections.
Despite Romania being 7th largest EU country (in terms of numbers of MEPs),
neither EurActiv, nor Euobserver or the Parliament Magazine have written any
article about the upcoming elections.

This might be due to the fact that there are
blication=21/11/2007&cat=POLITICS&pi=0> doubts about the qualifications of
Bulgaria's MEP candidates and that the interest in the elections in Romania
itself is relatively low. Kosmopolit has a more in-depth analysis:

"Postponed for more than half a year, they were not at all popular among
politicians from across the political spectrum. An explanation could be
found in the fact that the mandate they would run for is not a regular one
but only one year and a half long, without yet enjoying the financial
benefits foreseen in the EP reform due in 2009. Moreover, being elected for
the European Parliament would mean being "banned" from the Romanian
political scene exactly in the important electoral year 2008 (with
presidential and parliamentary elections in Romania)."

C2007  <> BlogActiv

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