This message is repeated afterwards in English. 

Stimati parteneri,

Societatea Romana pentru Educatie Permanenta organizeaza pe 9 Mai 
2008  Conferinta Internationala de Diseminare a Proiectului "Europa 
celor 27 – Bun venit Bulgariei si Romaniei"- Decizia Nr: 2007' 1238/ 
001- 001. 

Conferinta continua munca desfasurata in cadrul proiectului european 
cu acelasi nume de catre cele 3 organizatii partenere din Romania, 
Germnia si Bulgaria sub coordonarea Societatii Romane pentru Educatie 

Proiectul este co-finantat de Uniunea Europeana in cadrul 
programului ,,Europa pentru cetateni".

Obiectivele generale ale proiectului sunt: imbunatatirea 
cunostintelor despre identitatea si diversitatea europeana, 
promovarea culturilor din Romania, Bulgaria si Germania, cu atentia 
indreptata asupra aspectelor diversitatii culturale si lingvistice, 
promovarea culturii si intelegerii reciproce intre cetatenii Europei. 

Principalele produsele ale proiectului sunt : rapoarte de cercetare 
despre culturile Romaniei, Bulgariei si Germaniei, Website 
interactiv, studiu intercultural, 15 seminarii locale (in Romania, 
Bulgaria si Germania).

Persoanele interesate sunt invitate sa se inscrie pentru participare 
la conferinta, precum si sa prezinte lucrari ce abordeaza teme legate 
Uniunea Europeana, Valori europene, Realizari europene, Diversitate 
europeana, Culturi si traditii in tarile europene.
Pentru mai multe informatii despre conferinta si inscriere, va rugam 
sa ne scrieti la adresa: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Va multumim anticipat pentru atentia si interesul dvs! 
Cu stima,
Simona Capatan
Societatea Romana pentru Educatie Permanenta

Dear partners,

Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning organises on 9th May 2008 the 
International Conference for the Dissemination of the project "Europe 
of the 27 – Welcome Bulgaria and Romania" – Decision No. 2007' 1238/ 
001- 001. 

The conference continues the work undertaken within the European 
project with the same name of the 3 partner organisations from 
Romania, Germany and Bulgaria under the coordination of Romanian 
Society for Lifelong Learning. 
The project is co-financed by the European Union under the "Europe 
for citizens" Programme. 

The general objectives of the project are: improving citizens' 
knowledge on the European identity and diversity, promoting the 
cultures of Romania, Bulgaria and Germany with focus on aspects of 
cultural and linguistic diversity, promoting culture and mutual 
understanding between the citizens of Europe. 

The main outputs of the project are: research reports on the 
Romanian, Bulgarian and German cultures, interactive website, 
intercultural study, 15 local seminars (in Romania, Bulgaria and 

The interested persons are invited to register for participation to 
the conference as well as to present papers on themes related to: 
The European Union, European Values, European Achievements, European 
Diversity, Cultures and traditions in the European countries. 

For more information on the conference and registration, please 
contact us at the address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Thank you in advance for your attention and interest! 
Yours sincerely,
Simona Capatan
Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning 

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