Could we use potatoes instead, Mike?  Tomatoes are kind of expensive, you
know... and thou shalt not waste food thy God hath given thou...

On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 7:21 PM, mike.ormsby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Hello,
> My name is Mike. I am the British author of 'Grand Bazar Romania' and
> I hope you might take a minute to check out this review of the book:
> Also, here's the opinion of Doamna Denisa Toma
> Chief Librarian in Deva (Hunedoara County Library). Her comments below
> come from a private email to my publisher, which Denisa has kindly
> allowed me to reproduce here:
> "A venit azi, deja am citit vreo cinci "momente", sint amutita de
> incintare, e o Romanie la singe, asa cum o simtim in fiece zi, o
> oglinda maritoare in care ne vedem toti porii, bine dilatati post
> revolutionar. Scrisa cu nerv, cu mare talent, usor, les mots pour le
> dire arrivent nu aisement, dar vin ca vintul si ca gindul. Risul
> incremeneste, devine eternul nostru risu'plinsu si se instaleaza o
> imensa neputinta...
> .... mai am citeva "momente", sint din ce in ce mai entuziasmata de
> ceea ce citesc, de faptul ca, din cite inteleg eu, esenta ei este "Asa
> sinteti voi, uitati-va bine, dar cu toate astea va iubesc!" si nu cred
> ca ma insel. Din putine carti ale neromanilor a razbatut atita
> simpatie si iubire fata de noi, cu relele si bunele noastre. Am
> renuntat la Antunes de dragul lui Mike, dar a meritat cu asupra de
> masura!"
> If you are interested, I will be on a reading/promotional tour of
> Romania next week, dates and locations as follows:
> Timisoara, in 9 iunie 2008, la orele 17, la Libraria Caligraf
> (Filarmonica Banatului, Bd. C.D. Loga, Nr. 2)
> Deva, in 11 iunie 2008, la orele 15, la Sectia de Arta a Bibliotecii
> Judetene
> « Ovid Densusianu » (Str. 1 Decembrie, Nr. 26)
> Cluj-Napoca, in 12 iunie 2008, la orele 18,
> la Libraria Libri din Polus Center
> Sibiu, in 13 iunie 2008, la orele 17, la Libraria Erasmus
> (Str. Mitropoliei, Nr. 30)
> The Bucharest launch is Friday June 20, at the English Library,
> Pasajul Kretzulescu, 50m from the Royal Palace, next to Humanitas
> Kretzulescu on Calea Victoriei.
> Please come if you would like to say hello, or throw tomatoes.
> Thank you for reading.
> Numai bine,
> Mike Ormsby.

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