Buna tuturor. 

Suntem o organizatie non-profit cu sediul in Budapesta care incearca 
sa puna in contact persoane cu interese comune, studenti sau 
profesionisti romani aflati in strainatate sau care s-au intors in 
Romania cu scopul de a pune in practica o serie de proiecte 
internationale. Numele organizatiei este Global Romanian Students' 
and Young Professionals' Society (GRSP Socienty) si primul eveniment 
programat la care va invitam sa luati parte este: 

ROMANIA between Home and Abroad

The first International Conference of Romanian Students and young 
professionals living abroad
Budapest, 7-9 November 2008

Why should we meet each other face-to-face in November, in Budapest?

•       Be a founding member of the Global Romanian Students' and 
Young Professionals' Network
•       Join the generation who wants to have a voice in the world 
and in Romania
•       Connect with people who have lived in the diapora and get to 
know what made them successful
•       Meet individuals, communities, companies and organizations 
who are all striving to build a functional network
•       Be part of the planning process by defining strategies and 
concrete actions for making the network work, grow and expand! 

Who can participate?
•       Students and young professionals from Romania studing and 
living abroad
•       Students and young professionals who returned to Romania 
after living abroad.

We are expecting people from at least 12 countries among which: 
Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, 
Spain, Switzerland, UK, USA, and Romania. 

How do you apply?
The applications should contain
•       CV in English,
•       Completed application form (see attached).

Your applications are expected by September, 30th 2008 at email: 
Notification of acceptance will be sent by October, 5th 2008.
Fee, Travel and accommodation
The selected participants will have travel,  accommodation and meal 
expenses covered by the organizers of the conference. There is a 30 
euro fee covering conference organizing expense.
For further information, questions or doubts don´t hesitate to 
contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your feedback is more than welcome 
and your involvement can make a difference. 


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