Acest newsletter este disponibil in format PDF, in limbile engleza si 
romana, pe site-ul proiectului:

This newsletter is available in PDF format, in English and Romanian, 
on the project website: 
This text is repeated afterwards in English. 

PETIT Newsletter

Educatia parentala impreuna cu TIC ¡V Sprijin pentru Noua Generatie 

     In perioada 18-19 Septembrie 2008 a avut loc la Valenica, Spania 
a doua reuniune transnationala a partenerilor din cadrul proiectului 
La 11 luni de la inceputul proiectului, partenerii din cele 6 tari 
partenere, au facut un prim bilant asupra modului de indeplinire a 
obiectivelor propuse la inceputul proiectului, au lucrat impreuna si 
au stabilit urmatorii pasi pentru al doilea an de proiect.

Produse realizate in primul an de proiect

1.      Analiza modelelor de bune practici existente la nivel 
european in domeniul educatiei parentale 
Analiza cuprinde 25 de bune practici, din 6 tari: Germania, Finlanda, 
Spania, Cehia, Romania si Bulgaria. 
5 citerii au fost luate in calcul in cadrul analizei:
a.      imbunatatirea climatului familial printr-o comunicare mai 
buna intre parinti si copii
b.      inducerea unei atitudini pozitive adultilor (parintilor) fata 
de invatarea pe parcursul intregii vieti
c.        facilitarea dobandirii cunostintelor necesare pentru ca 
adulti (parintii) sa inteleaga comportamentul, comunicarea si 
disciplina copiilor 
d.      Facilitarea dobandirii de cunostinte de baza in folosirea 
tehnologiilor informatice (Internetul)
e.      Promovarea altor bune practice la nivel european. 

Analiza se gaseste in format pdf (EN) pe site-ul proiectului.

2.      Analiza situatiei adultilor (parintilor) cu dezavantaj 
educational, cu varste cuprinse intre 20 si 55 de ani, din tarile 
europene partenere in proiect
Cercetarea a aratat ca in tarile partenere in mare parte nu exista 
date specifice despre situatia parintilor dezavantajati din punct de 
vedere educational.
Analiza prezinta informatii comparative interesante legate de 
educatia persoanelor dezavantajate, la nivelul tarilor partenere.

Analiza se gaseste in format pdf (EN) pe site-ul proiectului.

3. Analiza nevoilor grupului tinta, la nivelul grupului ales de 
fiecare partener
Principalul scop:  de a ajuta parintii sa-si dezvolte si sa-si 
imbunatateasca abilitatile si atitudinilor necesare pentru a-si 
indeplini mai bine rolul de parinte. 
Scopul atelierului de lucru este de a ajuta familiile sa invete 
despre dezvoltarea copiilor si cum isi pot sprijini copiii. 
In fiecare dintre cele 6 tari partenere a avut loc cate un atelier de 

79 de parinti au completat un chestionar de analiza a nevoilor, 
prefigurand subiectele pentru cele 6 modele educationale ce vor fi 
realizate incepand cu luna octombrie 2008. 

Mai multe informatii despre workshopuri si analiza nevoilor gasiti pe 
site-ul proiectului.
4. Site-ul proiectului -
Blog-ul proiectului-
Site-ul proiectului contine informatii utile despre proiect precum 
ideea de la care s-a plecat, obiective, grup tinta, rezultate. 
In acelasi timp site-ul contine si o zona parolata pentru parteneri, 
precum si un forum de discutii ce va fi activat din a doua parte a 
Site-ul contine newslettere in toate limbile parteneriatului si in 
limba engleza, precum si sectiunea de Stiri si evenimente.
Toate produsele proiectului pot fi gasite pe site, dar si informatii 
despre diseminarile realizate. 

Produse ce vor fi realizate pana la sfarsitul proiectului

6 modele educationale (1 pentru fiecare tara partenera) cu privire la 
concept, implementare si evaluare de catre participanti 
Modelele educationale vor fi dezvoltate in urmatoarele luni de 
proiect, in urma analizei nevoilor in randul grupului tinta al 
proiectului. Cele 6 modele vor combina partea pedagogica cu cea de 

Subiectele cele mai votate de grupul tinta vor reprezenta temele 
pentru modelele educationae: 

Pentru educatia parentala acestea sunt:
„_      Controlarea furiei
„_      O intelegere mai buna a gandirii copiilor
„_      Comunicare eficienta
„_      Cum pot sa-mi sprijin copiii
„_      Auto-acceptare ca parinte imperfect

Pentru IT acestea sunt:
„_      Folosirea calculatorului la nivel de baza
„_      Formatarea de text
„_      Primirea si trimiterea de email-uri
„_      Navigarea pe web
„_      Folosirea motoarelor de cautare (de exemplu  Google)

Analiza implementarii ¡§modelelor educationale¡¨
Analiza implementarii modelelor educationale se va realiza in urma 
fazei de testare a modelelor create pe un esantion de 15-20 de 
persoane din grupul tinta, pentru a putea imbunatati aceste modele la 
sugestiile trainerilor si grupului tinta. 

 Evaluarea modelelor educationale: auto-evaluare si evaluare externa
Evaluarile modelelor educationale au ca principal scop sa 
imbunatateasca aceste modele in vederea obtinerii de produse de 
inalta calitate si in conformitate cu normele europene.
Evaluarea interna va fi realizata de fiecare organizatie partenera, 
in timp ce evaluarea externa va fi realizata de un evaluator extern 
conform propriilor sale criterii.  

Ghid de bune practici
Cel mai complex produs al proiectului, acesta va contine informatii 
despre toate produsele si realizarile din cadrul proiectului, despre 
parteneriat, precum si experiente utile si expertiza pentru 
specialistii din domeniul educatiei adultilor.  

De retinut:
In perioada 1 Octombrie 2008- 31 Martie 2009 partenerii vor realiza 
si testa impreuna cu grupul tinta, 6 modele educationale in domeniul 
educatiei parentale si Internet ce vor fi implementate la nivelul 
fiecarei tari partenere.

Forumul proiectului  aflat la adresa: va fi activ incepanad cu 
luna Ianuarie 2009.

Ultima reuniune a partenerilor si conferinta internationala vor avea 
loc in luna septembrie 2009, in Bucuresti, Romania.

Societatea Romana pentru Educatie Permanenta
Calea Calarasilor 249, bl.65, sc A, ap.21, sector 3, Bucuresti, 
Tel.: +40/21/3273887
Fax: +40/21/3273887
Persoana de contact: 
Emilia Saulescu

1.      IFES ¡V Spania
2.      AKLUB Centru de educatie si consiliere - Cehia 
3.      Bfw- Germania 
4.      LPKKY - Finlanda
5.      Euroinform, Bulgaria

Evaluator extern: Gareth Long, Gareth Long Project Management, Marea 

¡§Proiectul este finantat cu sprijinul Comisiei Europene.
Acest newsletter reflecta doar punctul de vedere al autorului, iar 
Comisia Europeana nu poate fi trasa la raspundere pentru folosirea in 
orice mod a informatiilor din acest material.¡¨

PETIT Newsletter

Parental Education together with IT ¡V Support for the New Generation 


In the period 18th-19th September 2008, the second transnational 
meeting of the PETIT project was held in Valencia, Spain.
11 months after the beginning of the project, the partners from the 6 
partner countries have made a first balance on the stage of 
achievement of the objectives set at the start of the project, have 
worked together on the current tasks and have established the next 
steps for the second year of the project.

Outcomes achieved in the first year of the project
3.      Analysis of the good practices models existing at European 
level, in the field of parental education 
The analysis contains 25 good practices from 6 countries: Germany, 
Finland, Spain, Czech Republic, Romania and Bulgaria.
Five criteria were used in the framework of the analysis:
a.      improve the family climate through better communication 
between parents and children
b.      induce a positive attitude to adults (parents) towards 
lifelong learning
c.         favour the necessary knowledge of adults (parents) in view 
of understanding the behaviour, communication and discipline of 
d.      favour the acquiring of certain basic knowledge in using the 
information technologies (the Internet)
e.      promote other good practices at European level.

The analysis is available in PDF format (EN) on the project website.

4.      Analysis of the situation of adults (parents) with 
educational disadvantage, aged between 20-55, in the European partner 
The research showed that there is mostly no specific data about the 
situation of educationally disadvantaged parents available in the 
partner countries.
The analysis presents in a comparative way interesting information 
related to the education of disadvantaged people, at the level of the 
partner countries.

The analysis is available in PDF format (EN) on the project website.
3. Analysis of target group¡¦s needs, at the level of the group chosen 
by each project partner
Main goal:  to help parents with the development and improvement of 
necessary abilities and attitudes for a better role in their 
parentship. The workshop is intended to help families learn about 
child development and how to support them.
In each of the 6 partner countries one workshop took place.
79 parents filled in the needs analysis questionnaire, previewing the 
topics for the 6 educational models that will be developed starting 
with October 2008.

More information about the workshops and the needs analysis can be 
found on the project website.

3. Analysis of target group¡¦s needs, at the level of the group chosen 
by each project partner
Main goal:  to help parents with the development and improvement of 
necessary abilities and attitudes for a better role in their 
parentship. The workshop is intended to help families learn about 
child development and how to support them.
In each of the 6 partner countries one workshop took place.
79 parents filled in the needs analysis questionnaire, previewing the 
topics for the 6 educational models that will be developed starting 
with October 2008.

More information about the workshops and the needs analysis can be 
found on the project website.

4.Project website-
Project blog-
The website of the project contains useful information about the 
project related to background, objectives, target group, outcomes. 
At the same time the website contains a restricted area for partners 
and also a discussion forum that will be activated in the second part 
of the project. 
The website contains the newsletters in all the languages of the 
partnership and in English, but also a section for News and events. 
All the products developed within the project can be found on the 
website, as well as information on the dissemination activities 
achieved so far. 

Outcomes that will be developed until the end of the project

6 educational models (1 for every partner country) regarding concept, 
implementation and evaluation by the participants

The educational models will be developed in the coming months of the 
project, following the needs analysis among the target group of the 
project. The 6 models will combine the pedagogical part with the IT 

The most voted topics by the target group will represent the themes 
for the educational models:

For parental education these are:
„_      Anger management
„_      Better understanding of children¡¦s world
„_      Effective communication
„_      How to support my children
„_      Self acceptance as an imperfect parent

For IT these are:
„_      General computer use
„_      Format text
„_      Send and receive email
„_      Browse the web
„_      Use search engines (e.g. google)

Analysis of the implementation of the ¡§educational models¡¨
The analysis of the implementation of the 
educational models will be carried out following the phase of testing 
the created models on a number of 15-20 persons from the target 
group, so that they can be improved at the suggestions of the 
trainers and the target group.

 ¡§Educational models¡¨ evaluation: self evaluation and external 
The evaluations of the educational models have as main aim to improve 
the models in view of obtaining products of high quality and in 
accordance with the EU norms.
The internal evaluation will be carried out by each partner 
organization, while the external evaluation will be performed by the 
external evaluator of the project, according to his criteria. 

Good practices guide
The most complex product of the project, it will contain information 
on all the products and outcomes developed within the project, 
partnership, useful experiences and expertise for practitioner in 
adult education.

In the period 1 Oct. 2008- 31 March 2009 the partners will develop 
and implement together with the target group, 6 educational models in 
the field of parental education. The educational models will be 
implemented at the level of each partner country.

The forum of the project located at the address: will be active starting 
with January 2009. 

The last meeting and international conference will take place in in 
September 2009, in Bucharest, Romania.

Romanian Society for Lifelong
Calea Calarasi 249, bl.65, sc A, ap.21, sector 3, Bucharest, Romania
Phone: +40/21/3273887
Fax: +40/21/3273887
Contact person: 
Emilia Saulescu

6.      IFES ¡V Spain
7.      AKLUB Centre of education and counseling - Czech Republic 
8.      Bfw- Germany
9.      LPKKY - Finland
10.     Euroinform, Bulgaria

External evaluator: Gareth Long, Gareth Long Project Management, UK  

¡§This project has been funded with support from the European 
This newsletter reflects the views only of the author, and the 
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made 
of the information contained therein.¡¨

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