Asociaţia Millennium Center recrutează persoane pentru un  stagiu de
voluntariat in:SUEDIA

Organizaţie gazdă: Mölndals Stad / KEKS  Suedia

Titlul proiectului:  Lindhaga Youth Center

Tipul proiecului:  Arta si cultura

Detalii( in limba engleza, un factor foarte important pentru a aplica in
aceasta situatie):

We are urgently looking for a volonteer with "fewer opportunities", for
example; socio, economic, educational difficulties, ethnic minorities-
such as Roma people.
The volonteer would work with international youth work; helping out to
prepare different projects that our organisation is doing such as Youth
exchanges, EVS, seminars etc. and also help out at a youth center some
nights a week.

The volunteers would be active in the youth center and the daily open
activities and the special activities of the season. The center is located
in the center of Molndal and the visitors are a mix of different
ethnicities. The atmosphere in the center is friendly and open-minded. The
center has a dedicated group that works in the café to make a youth exchange
(each group works about two semesters). The area is basically low to medium
-middle class and the teenagers are mostly well adapted. Although in the
neighbourhood there are some (older) teens that wants to be gangsters. We
work all the time hard to prevent the younger ones to glorify that kind of
life-style. There is hard pressure on especially the boys to show attitude.
Although in the youth center there is no room for having bad attitude -
which we are very proud of.

We don't have a community for the volunteers, and the volunteers will either
share or have their own place. There are no special rules, except for common
decency rules that apply for all apartments. No noise after 22.00 pm and
basic care for neighbours. The volunteer has to clean the place and leave it
as it was found.

The volunteer will have the mandatory Swedish learning course. The volunteer
will have the possibility to have a gym-card, transportation/bus-card to be
able to travel throughout Molndal as well as Gothenburg (also includes the
archipelago). The volunteer will also get HLR & Fire education.

We believe the volunteers will achieve better social skills, better
knowledge about group dynamics and social behaviour, improve rhetoric and
how to speak to groups, learn to lead group activities, knowledge about
youth influence & democracy, insights in budget planning and budget
implementation as well as knowledge about municipal organisation. The
volunteer will improve their English skills as well as studying the Swedish

The volunteer will be a support and an extra spice to the Youth Center. We
hope that the volunteer takes own initiatives and could be responsible for a
special own project if the volunteer feels ready for it, of course with
support from the instructor. The volunteer will be part of every day
activities in the youth center and a part of the team.

Themes for the volunteer to engage in; sport activities in and outside the
youth center, environment issues, gender issues, cultural activities.
Volunteers in the summer time will be engaged in the Djursjön Summer camp
for kids and teenagers- wildlife activities such as canoeing, fishing,
swimming, camp life, adventure pedagogic etc.

A volunteer that comes to Lindhaga youth center will be able to engage in
the daily youth work at the center and will learn how to lead young people
and learn to use team building activities, value practice exercises etc.

Detalii inscriere:

Daca sunteti interesat/a de parcurgerea unui stagiu de voluntariat,
trimiteti CV-ul dumneavoastra si o scrisoare de intentie in limba engleza pe
projectinfo...@gmail .com
Scrieţi la subiectul mesajului , "pentru voluntariat". În cazul în care nu
aveţi confirmarea recepţiei aplicaţiei vă rog să o retrimiteţi sau să ne
contactaţi la numărul de telefon 0733 684 808.
Alte detalii suplimentare se pot obţine de la 0733 684 808, Galea Mircea.

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