This is to warmly invite you to participate in the International Conference 

The event takes place in Iasi - Romania, on 25 â€" 26 June 2009, at Unirea 
Conference Centre (5 Piata Unirii Square) and is jointly organised by EuroEd 
Foundation (Romania), the Autonomous Learning Language Centre of Navarre 
(Spain) and QUEST Romania (the Romanian Association for Quality Language 
Services) under the auspicies of the 9th International Conference of QUEST 
Romania and the major events of valorisation and dissemination organised within 
the TOOL ( and ALL ( 
(230285-CP-1-RO-Lingua-L2/225782-CP-1-2005-1-ES-Lingua-L1) European projects.

The main themes approached by the event are creativity and innovation aimed at 
promoting multilingualism and intercultural dialogue. The participants will 
have the opportunity to be informed on the latest information in the fields 
covered by the conference and to be in direct contact and interact with other 
specialists sharing the same professional interests. Moreover, the participants 
will also have the opportunity to promote their projects or initiatives in the 
field of creativity, innovation, multilingualism and/or intercultural dialogue, 
either by delivering a presentation at the conference or by organizing a 
mini-stand in the special ‘projects display area’ that will be available at 
the conference venue.

The event will gather over 100 professionals from over 15 European countries: 
national and international decision makers, representatives of the European 
Union and other international bodies, promoters of projects that cover themes 
that circumscribe to those approached by the conference, representatives of 
public and private educational community, representatives of minorities 
organizations in Romania. The keynote speakers that confirmed their 
participation so far are Mr. Richard Rossner â€" EAQUALS Chief Executive (the 
European association for Quality Language Services), Mr. Michael Carrier â€" 
Head English Language Innovation (British Council) and Mr. Sauli Takala - EALTA 
President (European Association for Language Testing and Assessment), as well 
as a representative of the Department for Interethnic Relations of the Romanian 

We do hope you will accept our invitation to participate in the conference. 
Please fill in the attached registration form and the call for papers form (if 
you plan to deliver a presentation or promote a project) and return them via 
e-mail to the Conference Secretary at by 31st of May 
2009. Also, this is to kindly ask for your support in disseminating information 
about the Conference by forwarding the announcement to colleagues or 
collaborators that could be potentially interested to participate in the event. 
Thank you.

Yours truly,

Dr. Anca Colibaba
EuroEd Foundation, Romania 

Ovidiu Ursa
Vicepresident,QUEST Romania 

Aisling O’Donovan
Project Manager
CNAI, Spain 

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