The Black Sea Fellowship Program is organized by the Bulgarian Center
for Not-for-Profit Law (BCNL) with the financial support of the Open
Society Institute – East-East Program.

The purpose of the Program is to increase the capacity of the
participants and to share knowledge and experience in the area of the
NGO legal framework. The fellows will spend 4 weeks at the BCNL office
in Sofia, Bulgaria. The program will consist of discussions on topics
concerning the NGO legal framework (international principles of freedom
of association, registration, taxation, public benefit status, etc.),
review of materials related to the NGO legal framework in Bulgaria and
other countries from Central and Eastern Europe, important EU court
cases on issues  concerning NGOs. We will organize meetings with
different state institutions (Parliament, the court) and leading
Bulgarian NGOs in order to share experience.

During his/her stay, the fellow will prepare a research of the NGO legal
framework in his home country. It will be published on a special section
on the BCNL website.

In order to participate in the Fellowship program, the applicants must:
1.    be citizens of Romania;
2.    be nominated by a local NGO;
3.    know spoken and written English;
4.    be able to spend the time from 22 June to 18 July as a fellow at
the BCNL office in Sofia, Bulgaria;
5.    be practically involved with NGO legal reform.

The documents that must be submitted to apply for the fellowship program
1.    Application form - download the  application form (click here);
2.    CV of the fellow;
3.    Letter of support from the nominating NGO.

All the above documents must be written in English and sent
electronically. Incomplete application forms will not be considered.

The application package must be sent to the Bulgarian Center for
Not-for-Profit Law no later than 4 p.m. on 31 May 2009 at the following
address: For questions and additional information you
may contact Pavleta Alexieva or visit the BCNL website (
<> ).
The program will cover the following expenses of the fellow:
1.    One two-way airplane ticket from Romania to Bulgaria;
2.    Accommodation for the period of the fellowship;
3.    Modest per diem (15 USD)

The selected fellow will be  notified not later than 5 June 2009.

Sursa: Fundatia Soros Romania, Laura Husti-Radulet, Manager de
comunicare, lhusti-radulet[at]soros[dot]ro.

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