Apologies for cross posting

Dear colleague
Over a year and a half ago we started with TACCLE, a Comenius multilateral 
project about learning management systems and E-learning in education. The 
TACCLE book for teachers in both school and adult education is now ready. You 
can be the first to read it in English at www.taccle.eu, the project website. 
You only have to register at the website to do this. This manual is being 
translated in German, Dutch, Portuguese, Italian and Spanish. It will be 
available as a nicely lay-outed and printed book after summer. 

We also developed  an international in-service training: a full week's hands-on 
education in April 2010 in Urbino, Italy. All expenses can be paid through a 
Comenius/Grundtvig IST grant from your LLP national agency which means it will 
cost you nothing for a full board course, travel included. All relevant 
information can be found at 

You can also find our course in the Comenius / Grundtvig training database: 

TACCLE is also present by means of a Facebook page, it would be great if you 
would become a fan by clicking on 
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Brussels-Belgium/TACCLE/32657675924  and 
subscribing yourself as a fan.  

Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you need more information.

Best regards
Elmo De Angelis 
Training 2000
Via Piano San Michele 47/a
61040 Mondavio, (PU)
Tel/fax: +39-0721-979988
Skype: elmodean

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