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Date: 2009/7/24
Subject: Europe4Researchers Newsletter - Issue 3 - July 2009
To: lucian.bra...@gmail.com

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Europe4Researchers Newsletter - Issue 3 - July 2009


Cofunding for better European research
The Marie Curie Actions are a European Commission funded initiative
that has been supporting researchers since 1996. At the heart of the
actions is the goal of making Europe more attractive to the best
researchers. This is achieved by supporting a career structure that
enhances the status and attractiveness of research careers in Europe
and by creating conditions that allow researchers to be truly mobile,
both internationally and between the public and private sector.

EURAXESS Connect ? building stronger European collaboration
The EURAXESS Services Network spans 35 countries in Europe. There are
more than 200 Service Centres across Europe and many more if you count
those involved in more informal collaborations. They all are working
to achieve the common goal of supporting mobile researchers and all
have important experiences worthwhile of sharing throughout Europe.
How can Europe increase the opportunities for meeting and exchanging
opportunities? The national coordinator of EURAXESS Germany, the
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, has launched a pilot project
"EURAXESS Connect" to do just that.

The European Research Council in full flight
The European Research Council (ERC), part of the European Union?s
Seventh Research Framework Programme (FP7) under the IDEAS programme,
is a radical departure from established approaches of European Union
funding for research, with an independent Scientific Council and an
autonomous Executive Agency. The ERC Scientific Council, composed of
22 renowned scientists and scholars, stands for the independent
scientific governance. The implementation structure, which has
recently been transformed into an autonomous Executive Agency, sees to
that the FP7 IDEAS programme is implemented according to the
strategies and methodologies defined by the Scientific Council. In the
context of becoming an executive agency, the ERC underwent a major
expansion and is eventually expected to have some 400 staff to carry
out its work.



Opening doors for young researchers: the Marie Curie Initial Training
Networks (ITNs)
Thousands of students all over Europe are graduating and struggling
with an important decision: choosing the first step in their career.
With the financial and economic crisis the picture looks grim and the
job market is as competitive as it has ever been. However, political
leaders in industrialised countries are taking steps to adapt their
countries to new economic realities. Most realise that investing in
research to create a knowledge-based economy will lead to recovery
from the crisis by creating new jobs, services and technology
beneficial for everyone.

Finding an interested party for your problem: hypios, a real
marketplace for ideas
On June 10 hypios.com, the first global on-line marketplace for
solutions, was launched. hypios connects companies with specific
problems (Seekers), to people who have the knowledge and expertise to
find solutions (Solvers). The website works by Seekers submitting
detailed problem descriptions and Solvers then having a chance to
offer solutions if their expertise is suited to the given problem.

Researchers on the move: MORE - a study on mobility patterns and
career objectives
In December 2008 the European Commission's Directorate-General for
Research launched MORE ? Mobility and Career Paths of Researchers in
Europe ? a large-scale study on the mobility patterns and career
objectives of European researchers. The study is taking place over the
course of 18 months and aims to provide researchers and policy makers
with a deeper knowledge of researchers? motivation to be mobile and
the barriers they encounter as well as developing new surveys on
researchers? career paths. Already in June 2009 the consortium
launched the European Union-wide survey of several thousand
researchers in academia and a smaller survey of researchers working in

A better France for researchers ? bringing in the European Charter &
Code for Researchers
Adopted in 2005, the European Charter and Code for the Recruitment of
Researchers (Charter & Code) is a key element of the European Union?s
plan to promote research and make Europe a more attractive place for
researchers from across the globe to work. Efforts are under way in
France to make researchers and research organisations aware of the
Charter & Code thanks to the work of the EURAXESS Services Centres in
France ? specifically organisations such as the Kastler Foundation.



The "Welcome Centres": A Spin-off of EURAXESS
As the German national coordinator of the EURAXESS Services Network,
the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation collaborates with universities
and research institutions throughout Germany, spreading the spirit of
EURAXESS. It became evident that members of the national network had
many ideas on how to improve the services for internationally mobile
researchers, but lacked the necessary funding. With private support,
the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation was able to raise private funds
to initiate the best-practice contest "Welcome Centres." The idea is
to create role models and entice decision-makers at universities and
research institutions to invest more resources into services for
mobile researchers. In order to spread the experience at the European
level, the winners of the contest represent Germany at the
Thessaloniki training event, for EURAXESS members.


Come out to play: the Researchers? night 2009
Mark your calendars: the 5th edition of Researchers? night will be
held on 25 September 2009 in 31 European countries. A series of public
events will bridge the gap between researchers and the public,
allowing the latter to see the ?human side? of researchers. When
Researchers? night started in 2005 only 15 countries participated and
around 20 000 people attended. Last year 27 countries held events and
more than 350 000 people came out for the fun. An even bigger crowd is
expected this year.





SEND YOUR FEEDBACK ON The European Charter for Researchers and the
Code for their Recruitment


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Tatueaza Bucurestiul cu povestirile tale :)
* o productie Epsilon III - cu sprijinul Comisiei Europene prin
programul Tineret in Actiune


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