Message repeated afterwards in English. 

Conferinta internationala "PETIT – Educatia Parentala Impreuna cu TIC – Sprijin 
pentru Noua Generatie"

Iasi, 16 Octombrie 2009 

Societatea Romana pentru Educatie Permanenta organizeaza la Iasi, pe 9 
Octombrie 2009, conferinta internationala de diseminare a proiectului european 
"PETIT – Educatia Parentala Impreuna cu TIC – Sprijin pentru Noua Generatie", 
proiect co-finantat de Uniunea Europeana in cadrul Programului "Invatarea pe 
toata durata vietii", actiunea Grundtvig. 
Conferinta va avea loc in data de 16 Octombrie 2009 in sala de conferinte a 
Grupului Scolar Agricol "Mihail Kogalniceanu" , Miroslava, judetul Iasi. 
Conferinta doreste sa ofere tuturor factorilor interesati oportunitatea de a 
cunoaste rezultatele proiectului, precum si de a participa la dezbateri si a 
prezenta lucrari pe urmatoarele teme:
1. Modele de educatie parentala in gradinite si scoli
2. Comunicarea intre parinti si copii
3. Educatia TIC pentru adultii dezavantajati
4. Copiii si Internetul
5. Cunostinte si abilitati necesare parintilor in mediul familial
6. Parintii si educatia permanenta

Pentru a participa va rugam sa va inscrieti pe site-ul conferintei la adresa: (sectiunea "Formular de inscriere"). 

Termene limita:
Inregistrarea pe site-ul conferintei: 20 Septembrie 2009
Trimiterea rezumatul lucrarii: 20 Septembrie 2009
Trimiterea lucrarii finale: 30 Septembrie 2009 

Lucrarile se vor trimite in format electronic la adresa de email 

Datorita numarului limitat de locuri vom accepta cu prioritate participantii 
care doresc sa prezinte si lucrari aferente tematicii proiectului.

Limba oficiala in cadrul conferintei va fi limba engleza.

Nu se percepe taxa de inscriere. Organizatorii asigura pranzul si pauza de 
cafea. Transportul si cazarea vor fi suportate de catre participanti.

Pentru mai multe informatii despre proiect si rezultatele sale va invitam sa 
vizitati site-ul proiectului aflat la adresa: . 
Pentru informatii suplimentare ne puteti contacta la adresa de email . 

Va multumim anticipat pentru interes si speram sa avem ocazia sa va intalnim la 

Cu deosebita stima,
Emilia Saulescu 
Societatea Romana pentru Educatie Permanenta 

International conference PETIT – Parental Education together with IT – Support 
for the New Generation 

Iasi, 16th October 2009 

Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning organizes on 16th October 2009 in Iasi 
the international conference for the dissemination of the project "PETIT – 
Parental Education together with IT – Support for the New Generation". The 
project is co-financed by the European Union within the Lifelong Learning 

The conference will take place on 16th October 2009 in the conference room of 
the "Mihail Kogalniceanu" High School, Miroslava, Iasi. 

The conference wishes to offer all the interested stakeholders the possibility 
to know the results of the project, as well as the opportunity to participate 
to debates and present papers on the following themes: 

1. Models of parental education in kindergartens and schools 
2. Communication between parents and children 
3. ICT education for disadvantaged adults 
4. Children and the Internet 
5. Knowledge and skills necessary for parents in the family environment 
6. Parents and lifelong learning 

In order to participate please register on the conference website: (section "Registration form"). 

Registering on the conference website: 20 September 2009
Sending the abstract of the paper: 20 September 2009
Sending the final paper: 30 September 2009 

The paper will be sent in electronic format to the email address 

Due to the limited number of places we will accept with priority the 
participants who will submit also papers related to the themes of the 

The official language of the conference will be English. 

There is no registration tax. The organizers will provide the lunch and coffee 
break. The transport and accommodation expenses are in the charge of the 

For more information about the project and its results please visit the project 
website at the address: . 

For additional information you can contact us at the email address . 

Thank you in advance for your interest and we look forward to meeting you at 
the conference.

Yours sincerely,
Emilia Saulescu 
Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning 

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