"Ethics Committees and Other Ethical Tools"
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest
October 30-31, 2009

We are delighted to invite you at the 2nd edition of the BUCHAREST CONFERENCE 
IN APPLIED ETHICS, 2009. The event will be hosted by the Faculty of Bucharest, 
University of Bucharest, during October 30-31, 2009.

The BCAE has been developed as a debate platform, where theorists and 
practicians meet together and discuss the most important topics in the fields 
of Applied Ethics. The main aim of these conferences is the advancement of 
significant solutions for the real world.

This year topic, "Ethics Committees and Other Ethical Tools", reflects the 
growing interest in institutionalizing ethics. And though there has been some 
discussions on the role of ethics committees or on the function of some other 
ethical tools (especially, ethics training and social audit) -- mainly in the 
form of academic papers --, we consider that the debate is insufficient and too 
localized. In practice, the theoretical developments are rarely taken into 
consideration (e.g., in Southern and Eastern Europe, ethics committees function 
as 'intuitive' bodies, where decision is influenced more by its members' 
biases, while the Northern European pattern depends heavily on procedures).

Our aim is to bring into light those aspects that can make the ethics tools 
really work. The ethics committees and the codes of ethics are not individual 
tools; so we hope to see them working together in integrated ethics (and 
compliance) frameworks or management systems.

The conference organizers are looking for papers that consider either the 
integrative model or individual tools. The later approach may discuss topics 
such as:
  • the ethics committees and their role in developing effective policies; • 
codes of ethics: typology, role, structure;
  • ethics (and compliance) trainings;
  • ethics audit, social audit, CSR reporting;
  • ethics (and compliance) policies;
  • awareness programs;
  • other ethical tools.
Early submissions are highly encouraged. This way, the prospective participants 
may receive the acceptance letters faster.

Prospective participants must send final papers to the conference
organizers by September 28, 2009 (extended deadline). All papers will circulate 
before conference and will be temporarily published on the official website.
After the conference, the papers will be published in the BCAE

Official language is English, but there will be a Romanian speaking panel.

All papers must observe the editorial guidelines and must be prepared for 
blind-review (one Word file containing the title, author's name, and an English 
200-words abstract + a separate Word file containing the title, the abstract 
and the paper).

There is no participation fee.

For general inquiries, all correspondence should be sent to b...@bcae.ro 
Official website: www.bcae.ro
Please, forward this CFP to anyone you think might be interested in attending 
BCAE '09.

Drd. Cristian Ducu
Smart Solutions & Support, Romania

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