Doru Toma Program Assistant Rule of Law Program South East Europe Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung 50 Plantelor Street, RO - 023975 Bucharest, Romania T: +40 21 323 31 26 +40 722 25 45 22 F: +40 21 326 04 07 Please visit our website at: P Please consider your environmental responsibility before printing this e-mail. From: Doru Toma [] Sent: 12 noiembrie 2009 11:00 To: '' Subject: FW: REMINDER: CfA LIDERI PENTRU JUSTITIE - Program de leadership pentru tineri jurişti români 2010, Deadline 20.Noiembrie Iti trimit date si despre cel mai nou program lansat de noi, dedicat tinerilor juristi romani. Daca sunt interni in Ambasada sau prin listele voastre de contacte, va rugam sa trimiteti mai departe mesajul! Multumim! Programul Statul de Drept Europa de Sud-Est al Fundaţiei Konrad Adenauer anunţă lansarea programul de instruire pentru tineri jurişti români - Lideri pentru Justiţie, primul program de leadership in domeniul justitie derulat in Romania! Scopul principal al programului îl reprezintă formarea unui grup de tineri angajaţi care să înţeleagă importanţa valorilor şi a integrităţii şi care să fie pregătiţi pentru promovarea principiilor statului de drept şi a întăririi acestora prin intermediul muncii lor. Lideri pentru Justitie va fi derulat in primele 6 luni ale anului 2010 in 6 sesiuni de training ce vor abordat ehnici de leadership, etica profesionala, politici publice in justitie, reforma sistemului de justitie si integritatea etc. Vom selecta 20 de tineri absolventi de drept sau studenti in ultimul an, masteranzi sau doctoranzi cu calitati deosebite. Termenul limita pentru trimiterea aplicatiilor este 20 noiembrie. Pentru orice detalii cu privire la programul Lideri pentru Justitie, va stam la dispozitie pe, sau la Dear partners and friends, The Rule of Law Program South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung announces the launching of the first edition of its Leadership Program for Romanian Junior Jurists „Leaders for Justice 2010 – Lideri Pentru Justiţie 2010”. The program aims at training 20 committed and upright young jurists to support them in becoming leaders in their field and promote integrity and the reform of the justice system among their peers. The program addresses law students in their last year of university studies, masters and PhD students, as well as young legal professionals in the first two years of practice. The application process for the participants of the leadership program starts today, and we invite all interested young jurists to send their CV, letter of motivation and short essay on the topic „My First 90 days as Romanian Minister of Justice” by November 20, 2009 to For more information on the application procedure, curricula of the training sessions and agenda please consult the attached document or visit our website at Please circulate this mail to anybody whom you think might be interested in the program. Best regards, ___________________________________________ Rule of Law Program South East Europe Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung 50 Plantelor Street, RO - 023975 Bucharest, Romania T: +40 21 323 31 26 F: +40 21 326 04 07 Please visit our website at: P Please consider your environmental responsibility before printing this e-mail. -- Antonovici Valeriu tel.0040 7222 36 919(RO) 0049 160 99742825 (DE)