Iata o stire YAHOO legata de Coreea de Nord in care am fost izbit de o imagine 
pe care multi de peste 30 de ani nu o vor uita usor.Daca comunismul n-ar fi 
cazut,Romania ar fi fost ca si Coreeea de Nord,iar in stirile YAHOO apareau 
pozele APLAUDACILOR de pe VREMURI,iar in primele loje ale congtrsului ar fi 
stat cei care acum se afla in prim planul politicii si Educatiei.Sincer am avut 
niste fiori ,cand am vazut acea imagine gandindu-ma ca as fi putut trai acea 
epoca la Maturitate,dat fiind ca am prins primii 10 ani din viata in 
comunism.Ma gandeam ce manifestatii FARAONICE ar fi fost daca Ceausescu si ai 
lui ar fi trait si ar fi locuit in casa Poporului.Ce "manifestatii" tovarasesti 
ar fi fost.
  Tare as dori ca sa se intieze o lege legat de obligativitatea accesului 
publicului la Arhiva TVR ului din Epoca Comunista ,mai ales din ultimii ani ai 
regimului pentru a se vedea cine erau APLAUDACII regimului,caci cu siguranta ar 
fi niste surprize incredibile.Ca de curand in SUA ,Marile Corporatii Media din 
SUA si casele de discuri  au incheiat contracte cu site-urile care difuzeaza 
  North Korea prepares to restart nuclear facility 
  VIENNA, Austria - North Korea announced Thursday that it is preparing to 
restart the facility that produced its atomic bomb, clearly indicating that it 
plans to completely pull out of an international deal to end its nuclear 
  North Korea told the International Atomic Energy Agency that it was stopping 
the process of disabling its main nuclear site and barring international 
inspectors from the Yongbyon facility, the agency said.
  Pyongyang "informed IAEA inspectors that effective immediately access to 
facilities at Yongbyon would no longer be permitted," the U.N. nuclear watchdog 
  North Korea "also stated that it has stopped its (nuclear) disablement work," 
its statement said.
  "Also, since it is preparing to restart the facilities at Yongbyon, the DPRK 
has informed the IAEA that our monitoring activites would no longer be 
appropriate," the statement said, referring to the north by its formal acronym.
  But the statement said the IAEA's small inspection team would remain on the 
site until told otherwise by North Korean authorities.
  Pyongyang already barred agency personnel from its plutonium reprocessing 
facility at Yongbyon last month after telling them to remove IAEA seals from 
the plant in a reversal of its pledge to disable its nuclear program in return 
for diplomatic concessions and offers of energy aid.
  But Thursday's statement was the clearest indication to date that the North 
planned to abrogate the deal, said a senior diplomat linked to the IAEA who 
demanded anonymity because he was not authorized to comment to the media.
  The North was to eventually dismantle the complex in return for diplomatic 
concessions and energy aid equivalent to 1 million tons of oil under a February 
2007 deal with the U.S., South Korea, China, Russia and Japan.
  But the accord hit a bump in mid-August when the U.S. refused to remove North 
Korea from its list of states that sponsor terrorism until the North accepts a 
plan for verifying a list of nuclear assets that the Pyongyang regime submitted 
to its negotiating partners earlier.
  "Let's just wait and see over the next several days. We're reviewing the 
situation and I am talking to my colleagues and when we have an announcement, 
we'll have an announcement," U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told 
reporters in Washington when asked about the announcement.
  Reuters Photo: North Koreans take part in a ceremony marking the first 
anniversary of the October 4... 

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