Actually, I didn't mean that we wouldn't implement an LDAP server; I meant that *I* wouldn't implement an LDAP server. If you think you can write an LDAP service that is similar in spirit to the rest of our services (in other words, a lightweight implementation that provides only the stuff we need, *not* an entire copy of OpenLDAP grafted into our source tree) you are welcome to do so. But I doubt you'd want to saddle yourself with such a large undertaking. Maybe someday we'll have dozens of contributors but for now we make do with the small team. It's still much better than it used to be.
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- [Citadel Development] (no subject) IGnatius T Foobar
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- [Citadel Development] (no subject) IGnatius T Foobar
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- [Citadel Development] (no subject) IGnatius T Foobar
- [Citadel Development] (no subject) IGnatius T Foobar
- [Citadel Development] (no subject) IGnatius T Foobar
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- [Citadel Development] (no subject) IGnatius T Foobar
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