Again, we should avoid putting too much effort into Notes because the entire thing needs to be rewritten -- not just the UI, but the underlying functionality. Our notes are text. They should be in VNOTE format, like this: BEGIN:vnote VERSION:1.1 PRODID://Bynari Insight Connector 3.1.3-0605191//Import from Outlook//EN CLASS:PUBLIC UID:040000008200E00074C5B7101A82E008000000000005CE8571864B8D141CB3FB8CAC62 NOTE;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:blah blah blah=0D=0A=0D=0A SUMMARY:blah blah blah=0D=0A=0D=0A X-OUTLOOK-COLOR:#FFFF00 X-OUTLOOK-WIDTH:200 X-OUTLOOK-HEIGHT:166 X-OUTLOOK-LEFT:80 X-OUTLOOK-TOP:80 X-OUTLOOK-CREATE-TIME:20070611T204615Z REV:20070611T204621Z END:vnote
And yes, I fully intend to use the X-OUTLOOK-* metadata created by the Bynari connector. If we give every VNOTE a set of rendering hints, we can display them like sticky notes on a board. With a little work they could even be dragged and dropped.