And mine in green.

>Sat May 24 2008 09:42:38 EDT from [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>  My comments are in blue..
>>Sat May 24 2008 08:32:30 AM EDT from [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>Well, there are quite a few problems with Citadel on Cygwin using
>> * libsieve requires a ___STRING macro to be defined.  It isn't defined in
>>cygwin.  I worked around this by modifying /usr/include/sys/cdefs.h to have
>>the appropriate definition.  I'll provide the changes required in a separate
>>>Simply change the version of libsieve that you use for the build, moving
>>>from version 2.2.3 to 2.2.6. The issue was resolved by then, and does not
>>>require a rewrite. The issue was reported with other applications that were
>>>compiled under cygwin. It's not necessarily so much of a cygwin issue, as it
>>>is a libsieve.

>>>Sounds good.  Will this break EasyInstall for the other operating

>> * Citadel requires libresolv.  Cygwin has done a rather nasty job of
>>explaining how to install that; you just sort of have to know that you need
>>to install 'minires-devel' to obtain that library.  Thankfully, I figured
>>this out with the help of Google.
>> * "No rule to make target 'citserver.exe'" (and others like this).  The
>>current Makefile for Citadel is bad bad bad.  I modified this to get it to
>>compile all the executables appropriately.  If you want it, here it is, come
>>and get it.  (Er... I'll upload it separately).
>>>For whatever reason, this appeared to be fixed in the last installer
>>>script that I downloaded and used. I didn't have to change a thing, except to
>>>update it to use the new versions of the software which I had placed into my
>>>own replica of the easyinstall server. I throught that dothebart fixed
>>>this... I'm not sure.

>>>Maybe I don't need to provide my updated Makefile, then, or do a diff on
>>>  Maybe I'm just working with an older install.

>> * Whenever you attempt to run most of the Citadel executables resulting
>>from make install, nothing seems to happen.  Even 'setup.exe' fails to do
>>anything.  Why?  Maybe because, as of WinXP, there is no 'root' anymore.. at
>>least, not as 'Administrator'; in Microsoft's brilliance, the 'Administrator'
>>account no longer exists, preferring instead to allow the first user created
>>on the system (during installation) to become the root-like creature of the
>>box.  Security through obfuscation again.  I don't know exactly how Citadel
>>is attempting to decide if the current person is running as root, but it
>>isn't doing this correctly for Cygwin, at least not under WinXP.
>>>No... No... Actually, the issue is much more mundane than that. The reason
>>>that citserver seems to start and then exit so quickly is because it cannot
>>>find any of the libraries upon which it depends. Try including the
>>>ctdlsupport/bin directory in your path statement - and exclude the cygwin/bin
>>>directory. In this way, if the applications do not start, they will prompt
>>>you with an error message to identify the library that it needs. Dig back a
>>>few postings of mine and you will find a link to the last publicly available
>>>build that I did. In there are the batch files that I used to set the
>>>environment prior to starting the server.

>>>Ugh... this must be a difference in behavior compared to what I'm used to
>>>seeing in your average Windows application.  Normally, you get something to
>>>indicate which dynamic libraries the executable failed to acquire.  I was
>>>planning on using depends.exe to find the files anyway (only want to build an
>>>install for the files we need, not all of cygwin).  I'll give that a shot,
>>>though.  It'd be nice if this runs right out of EasyInstall. 

>>> The last problem is a no-go for me.  Although I can get Citadel to
>>>compile on cygwin, I can't get it to run.



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