> Jan 24 2009 4:12pm from BOFHMike @mycastlewall (My Castle Wall)      
 >Subject: mod_auth_citadel     
 >I got en error when trying to ./configure  --with-apr=/usr/lib     
 >checking Apache APR Version 1 is REQUIRED. Checking for APR... error     
 >configure: error: Bad path to Apache APR 1 specified. APR 1.x required.  
 >locate found the following:     
 >uname -a:     
 >Linux apache #1 SMP Tue May 6 12:41:02 UTC 2008 
 >athlon i386 GNU/Linux     
 >SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2 (i586) 32 bit     
 >Any thoughts, ideas, sugestions?     
 Hi -    
 Do you have the apr-devel package installed on your system? You will need 
to have the include headers available.  
 I don't have a copy of SUSE installed on a VM right now, but will go 
ahead and get one set up so that I can verify the issue.  
 - Stu  

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