>  Mon Jul 27 2009 10:16:50 am EDT EDT from   IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored 
>Subject: Re: evolution and namespaces
>    And it looks like they've already marked it as a dupe.   
>Evolution's failure to behave properly with namespaces is a colossal 
>failure on their part.  They should either map the namespaces properly or 
>not support them at all.   
>Of course, this is Ximian (aka Novell) we're talking about here.  Their 
>allegiance is to Microsoft; uncoincidentally, their support for Exchange  is
>very good.   


I think their exchange support is pretty rotten, RPC over HTTP support is

Looks like a patch came out in February, maybe it will hit Karmic Koala  


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