>  Sun Nov 08 2009 07:58:25 PM EST from   IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored 
>Subject: Re: Wiki Rooms
>    The full text index is of course active for Wiki rooms.  We just have to
> write some code to display the search results in a sensible way.   
>Fleeb came up with a brilliant idea: we should use Wiki rooms for our 
>internal bug tracking.  That way we can annotate stuff as much as we want.  
>And since it's internal just to us, I can ignore Bugzilla even more than  I
>do now.  :)   


Hmm, I was thinking more about a list of every page in the wiki so I can just
browse it instead of having to search on some random keyword that may or may
not be included in every page.  

As for the Bugzilla Wiki, I don't see why not. But how would someone post a
new bug and get it linked into the list of bugs without directly editing the
list of bugs?  

Thats all stuff for you to think about for now it does exactly what I need
and I'm happy :-)  


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