
did you run that script in advance?

since its not clever to rename subdirectories (citadel/ to citadel-7.83) in a git workingcopy (and symlink citadel/ to it), I instead made it create the symlink to the citadel directory.

If you already have it the other way arround, it won't work for you then ;-)

Sa Sep 04 2010 11:21:32 EDT von samjam @ Uncensored Betreff: Fw: [PATCH] Fake the old version number for the paths inside the tar files

This stops ./buildpackage debian

getting caught in symlink looks, and makes "./buildpackage src" and "debian src" work

--- forwarded message ---
Wed Sep 01 2010 8:45:15 am EDT EDT from "Sam Liddicott" <> Subject: [PATCH] Fake the old version number for the paths inside the tar files

Helps for:
./buildpackes debian src
./buildpackages sourcedist
citadel/buildpackages | 17 ++++++++---------
1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)



diff --git a/citadel/buildpackages b/citadel/buildpackages
index 8b18185..e78cc71 100755
--- a/citadel/buildpackages
+++ b/citadel/buildpackages
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ else
 	if test "$done" = "false"; then 
 		cd ..
-		ln -sf citadel "citadel-$CITADEL_VERSION"
+		#ln -sf citadel "citadel-$CITADEL_VERSION"
 		cd "citadel-$CITADEL_VERSION"
 		cd "../citadel-$CITADEL_VERSION"
@@ -47,18 +47,17 @@ case $1 in
 	if test "$2" == "src"; then
-	    cd ..
-	    rm -rf tmp
-	    mkdir tmp
-	    cp -rL citadel-$CITADEL_VERSION tmp
-	    cd tmp/citadel-$CITADEL_VERSION
+	    rm -fr ../tmp/citadel-$CITADEL_VERSION
+	    mkdir -p ../tmp/citadel-$CITADEL_VERSION
+	    cp -rL . ../tmp/citadel-$CITADEL_VERSION
+	    cd ../tmp/citadel-$CITADEL_VERSION
 	    rm -rf `find -name .svn ` svn*tmp config.log config.status
 	    find -type f -exec chmod a-x {} \;
 	    chmod a+x configure *.sh * debian/rules debian/*inst* debian/rules mkinstalldirs
 	    cd ..
 	    tar -chzf citadel_${CITADEL_VERSION}.orig.tar.gz citadel-${CITADEL_VERSION}/ --exclude "debian/*"
-	    cd  citadel-${CITADEL_VERSION}; debuild -S -sa
+	    cd  citadel-${CITADEL_VERSION} && debuild -S -sa
 	    fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage
@@ -100,8 +99,8 @@
-	cd ..; tar --exclude .svn --exclude "debian/*" -chvzf citadel-$CITADEL_VERSION.tar.gz citadel-$CITADEL_VERSION/
-	;;
+	cd ..; tar --exclude .svn --exclude "debian/*" -chvzf citadel-$CITADEL_VERSION.tar.gz --transform "s/^citadel/citadel-${CITADEL_VERSION}/" citadel/
+        ;;
 		echo "Not yet implemented. we have: debian "

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