I've finally finished the implementation of OpenID 2.0 authentication (relying
party) support.  There are only two places where we go to the web using libcurl.

 I was happy to discover that there were no changes required to the Citadel
server protocol, and therefore no changes required in WebCit.  I will, however,
follow up with WebCit changes that allow a user to sign in using Google, Yahoo,
and AOL without even knowing that they're using OpenID. 
 The only thing missing right now is the Simple Registration extension.  This
is the piece that allows OpenID providers to provide a screen name, location,
gender, date of birth, etc. to Citadel, further simplifying the login process.
 That should be a *fairly* quick thing to do since we did it in OpenID 1.1
and it hasn't changed by a whole lot (I don't think it did anyway). 
 As soon as Simple Registration is completed I will be merging it into git
master.  Only one file (serv_openid_rp.c) has changed. 

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