Fri Jul 20 2012 03:29:47 AM EDT from dothebart @ Uncensored Subject: Re: Administrator login when using Active Directory

you have to re-run setup, and specify one of your AD users. On next login he will gain aide rights.


Thanks dothebart, that got me most of the way there.


The next bit took me a while to figure out and I find it a bit puzzling. I was specifying my login name ("lindsay") as the admin, which wasn't working - I had to specify my Display Name ("Lindsay Mathieson") as the admin account for it to work. I know it does say username in the instructions :) but I just assumed it meant windows login name as that's the actual unique identifier on AD, the windows "Display Name" is just descriptive and can be any old text and can be changed at any time. Also its not neccessarily unique.

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