Fri Sep 27 2013 07:39:29 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored
Code refactoring is useful internally, as long as it's thoroughly tested.
However it doesn't add any "wow factor" that makes people want to use Citadel as the rest of the world makes *visible* improvements to their offerings.

I'm very interested in knowing whether the_mgt has made any progress in getting WebCit working on tablets. Any news there?

Yep, just check out layout_rework branch and fool around. It has various issues because we lack a uniform way of representing pages. I need a lot of workarounds, and workaround X messes up Y which needs another workaround which might mess up X. The override banner is ugly and we should do a proper solution for that, in which we also give "Summary" and "Rooms" a proper state and banner.

Also Firefox is working against me in some places.

Some of the smaller resolutions have a problem with "display:block" + "float:left" and some inlining, I blame w3c for being ambiguous on the definitions.

It is not fearure complete, some places might simply not work, because I did not give them enough love. "Rooms" for example needs much love in order to get rid of the tables there, so they will swing into place properly on smaller screens.

In general, the rooms/pages where treated as they appear in the iconbar, from top to bottom. Warning messages, alerts and stuff that only seldomly shows up might have been neglected.

Also, it has free white space on both sides of the page, dothebart abhors that, but It was needed to make it fit on all the different resolutions. Think of 27" screens with more than HD resolution, you do not want to display from left to right side of those screens. Therefore 1200px is maximum width atm.

Problem is, I am lacking time and ideas to complete this, probably until next summer.

IMAP idle would be nice, my Symbian Belle device still has issues with my citadel imap server. XMPP should get some real love, too, so people do not need to run Openfire alongside citadel anymore.

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