As a side note, this pops up in daemon.log:  

>Oct  2 13:44:06 cit webcit[71360]: No Site-local Stylesheet
>[/usr/local/webcit/static.local//webcit.css] installed.  
>Oct  2 13:44:06 cit webcit[71360]: Parseerror [_]  (in
>'/usr/local/webcit/static//t/wiki/empty.html' line 5); Warning, Non welformed
>Token; missing right parenthesis; [_("There is no page called '"]  
>Oct  2 13:44:06 cit webcit[71360]: Define [VC:.adr.address]  (in
>'/usr/local/webcit/static//t/vcard/msg_display.html' line 32);
>VC:.adr.address isn't known!!; [!("VC:HAVE:TYPE", 30, #"VC:.adr.address")]  
>Oct  2 13:44:06 cit webcit[71360]: Parseerror [_]  (in
>'/usr/local/webcit/static//t/user/edit_bio.html' line 11); Warning, Non
>welformed Token; missing right parenthesis; [_("Enter your bio below."]   


And it looks like daemon.log only lists the   

>Oct  2 13:45:04 cit citserver[71341]: ldap: populating Citadel user
>database from LDAP  
>Oct  2 13:46:05 cit citserver[71341]: ldap: populating Citadel user
>database from LDAP  


so no listing of email addresses yet.  
>  Mon Oct 02 2017 09:14:06 AM EDT from bennabiy @ Uncensored  Subject: Re:
>Good catch, testing.  
>>  Sat Sep 30 2017 12:55:29 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored 
>>Subject: Re: update?
>>Just got back from another business trip.  I see the problem, though!  I
>>cut-and-pasted from your earlier post and made the query string
>>"(objectClass: inetOrgPerson)".  It ought to be
>>"(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)" instead.  
>>I have committed that change to git master.  Give it a try and let me know
>>if the correct set of users shows up in your log.  If it does we'll move on
>>to email address extraction.  




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