Yes, I should have just attached a proper patch..for some reason I've been
thinking I don't have permission for file attachments.   

Regarding this html/visibility issue.. I'm testing a webcit installation with
CKeditor [see attached.]  

..working on getting a nice little (not overly complex) configuration that
supports inline code, basic text formatting, and some convenient media stuff,
like a html5 audio player, youtube videos and things like that..  

I'll post my configs if anybody is interested.   

>  Wed Sep 30 2020 06:58:55 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored 
>Subject: Re: Subject Line patch/fix..
>    Ok never mind about the upload, I viewed your message in WebCit and the
>change that needed to be made appeared clearly. 
>Before I commit this, by what name do you want to be credited in the



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