citserver-unpatched was just a name I used for the old binary, unrelated to
anything else..  

John Wayne said, "Life's tough".. (possibly him, attributed to him anyway..)
"'s even tougher when your stupid.. "  

I should have remembered why we did all kinds of stuff all careful and such
in my former professional life.. but thought I could get away with it.. not
really sure why hah..   

Anyway.. "hastily coping binaries" is not the way to go apparently.  Trashed
the database on a new perfect installation..  

Not a big deal really.. actually a good experience.    

"Learning has occurred"  


>  Thu Oct 01 2020 07:15:22 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored 
>Subject: Re: Massive difference in the size of the binary..
>>Thought to make the comment.. big difference in the size of the binaries.. 

>>"unpatched" was a recent (like, week or so) easyinstall.. 

>What's the date on the unpatched version? I thought we got rid of that a
>long time ago. 
>There was some sort of build/diagnostic option that I never fully
>understood, and "unpatched" left it out, if I remember correctly. In any case
>it certainly isn't the binary you should be running. 



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