Here is what multiple, single user dialup BBSs with different user-bases used to provide... 

Volume of content. I called Earl's Castle, and once I was done there, I hung up and I called Omni BBS, then the Rubber Crutch, then I logged into my own BBS... and I repeated that throughout the day. Call, no new messages, hang up, try the next one. 

Facebook and Twitter consolidate all of that. You can hardly EVER get enough content. There is always something to occupy your time, to idle away moments when you can be productive. Citadels had moments of peace and moments of war - but the flames are ALWAYS burning somewhere on Facebook or Twitter, if you are itching to flex your mental acuity and prove the other guy is a complete moron... 

Shared rooms and messages help with that - by creating volume of content. But, what we need it contributing content creators. Facebook has funneled people like myself, who create content voraciously, away from BBS and message forums. I have a circle of followers who frequently get called "my echo chamber," on Facebook and Twitter. I am not sure they will follow me here. I'm not Howard Stern - my model won't translate from a public, free station to XM, or even to station that is simply not a consolidated repository for *everything* that my followers want, not just me. 

But I've decided I am going to bring any content I would publish to here, to my own Citadel ( and to my blog, 

My Citadel has been poorly maintained and ended up unreachable for a while, and I lost most of my user base. It is mostly me talking to myself over there at this point. I just signed up with Ace for their ISP Host VPN - so hopefully my problems with DNS will be resolved permanently... but if you get bored and there isn't anything here, why not pop over there and post some content before you go to Facebook, Twitter, GAB, Parlay or wherever else you're just one more small voice shouting into the void... 

I'm not feeding that machine anymore - I am FAR more valuable to it than it is to me. Enough people decide this, and that machine will be in trouble. It deserves to be. 

But the ability to share content is great, but having users creating unique content on BOTH sites is better. Having more Citadels, each one with a unique focus, all of them with users, some the same, some different, creating unique content, is best. 

Who else runs a Citadel like this? Is there a list of them? We should all be logging in to all of them, and creating content on all of them - because that creates the momentum that makes a BBS succeed. 

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