This is what it shows the 3 times I tried to run it, the services stop.
This is a fresh snapshot, with the DBs intact in the previously used folder, you can see that it process the citadel.* files since they are gone, but it always leaves a citadel.lock file in their place

   # ./Citadel-x86_64.AppImage run
   ctdlvisor: Welcome to the Citadel System, brought to you using AppImage.
   ctdlvisor: LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /tmp/.mount_CitadeEijViz/usr/lib
   ctdlvisor:            PATH = /tmp/.mount_CitadeEijViz/usr/bin
   ctdlvisor:          APPDIR = /tmp/.mount_CitadeEijViz
   ctdlvisor:  data directory = /usr/local/citadel
   ctdlvisor:       HTTP port = 80
   ctdlvisor:      HTTPS port = 443
   ctdlvisor: waiting for any child process to exit...
   ctdlvisor: executing /tmp/.mount_CitadeEijViz/usr/local/webcit/webcit
   ctdlvisor: executing /tmp/.mount_CitadeEijViz/usr/local/webcit/webcit
   ctdlvisor: executing
   /tmp/.mount_CitadeEijViz/usr/local/citadel/citserver with data
   directory /usr/local/citadel
   ctdlvisor: pid=3870 exited, status=26880, exitcode=105
   ctdlvisor: citserver exited intentionally - ending AppImage session
   ctdlvisor: waiting for any child process to exit...
   ctdlvisor: pid=3871 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
   ctdlvisor: waiting for any child process to exit...
   ctdlvisor: pid=3872 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
   ctdlvisor: waiting for any child process to exit...
   ctdlvisor: pid=-1 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
   ctdlvisor: exit code 105

   Citadel-x86_64.AppImage: usage: /home/***/Citadel-x86_64.AppImage
   [-h data_directory] [-p http_port] [-s https_port] command
   command must be one of: run, test, install

   # ./Citadel-x86_64.AppImage test
   /tmp/.mount_Citadel26Byh/usr/local/citadel/citserver: binary
   compatibility confirmed

   # ./Citadel-x86_64.AppImage run
   ctdlvisor: Welcome to the Citadel System, brought to you using AppImage.
   ctdlvisor: LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /tmp/.mount_Citadekj2585/usr/lib
   ctdlvisor:            PATH = /tmp/.mount_Citadekj2585/usr/bin
   ctdlvisor:          APPDIR = /tmp/.mount_Citadekj2585
   ctdlvisor:  data directory = /usr/local/citadel
   ctdlvisor:       HTTP port = 80
   ctdlvisor:      HTTPS port = 443
   ctdlvisor: executing
   /tmp/.mount_Citadekj2585/usr/local/citadel/citserver with data
   directory /usr/local/citadel
   ctdlvisor: waiting for any child process to exit...
   ctdlvisor: executing /tmp/.mount_Citadekj2585/usr/local/webcit/webcit
   ctdlvisor: executing /tmp/.mount_Citadekj2585/usr/local/webcit/webcit
   ctdlvisor: pid=3900 exited, status=26880, exitcode=105
   ctdlvisor: citserver exited intentionally - ending AppImage session
   ctdlvisor: waiting for any child process to exit...
   ctdlvisor: pid=3901 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
   ctdlvisor: waiting for any child process to exit...
   ctdlvisor: pid=3902 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
   ctdlvisor: waiting for any child process to exit...
   ctdlvisor: pid=-1 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
   ctdlvisor: exit code 105

   # ls -la /usr/local/citadel/data/
   total 95214532
   drwx------ 2 root root        4096 Feb  2 10:48 .
   drwxr-xr-x 6 root root        4096 Feb  2 10:48 ..
   -rw------- 1 root root   380760064 Jan 25 19:00 cdb.00
   -rw------- 1 root root      176128 Feb  2 10:50 cdb.01
   -rw------- 1 root root      688128 Feb  2 10:50 cdb.02
   -rw------- 1 root root       16384 Feb  2 10:50 cdb.03
   -rw------- 1 root root     3809280 Jan 25 19:00 cdb.04
   -rw------- 1 root root      516096 Jan 25 19:00 cdb.05
   -rw------- 1 root root       28672 Jan 25 19:00 cdb.06
   -rw------- 1 root root    60178432 Jan 25 19:00 cdb.07
   -rw------- 1 root root 97038852096 Jan 25 20:01 cdb.08
   -rw------- 1 root root        8192 Jan 25 20:01 cdb.09
   -rw------- 1 root root     3518464 Jan 25 20:01 cdb.0a
   -rw------- 1 root root       16384 Jan 25 20:01 cdb.0b
   -rw------- 1 root root        8192 Jan 25 20:01 cdb.0c
   -rw------- 1 root root        8192 Feb  2 10:48 cdb.0d
   -rw------- 1 root root          71 Jan 25 20:01 DB_CONFIG
   -rw-r----- 1 root root    10485760 Jan 25 20:01 log.0000153667
   -rw-rw---- 1 root root    10485759 Feb  2 10:50 log.0000153668

   # ls -la /usr/local/citadel/
   total 48
   drwxr-xr-x  6 root root  4096 Feb  2 10:48 .
   drwxr-xr-x 11 root root  4096 Jan 13 14:11 ..
   *-rw-rw-rw-  1 root root     0 Feb  2 10:55 citadel.lock <- this
   lock file isn't deleted*
   drwx------  2 root root  4096 Feb  2 10:48 data
   drwx------  2 root root  4096 Feb  2 10:48 files
   drwx------  2 root root  4096 Feb  2 10:48 keys
   drwx------  2 root root  4096 Feb  2 10:48 messages
   -rw-------  1 root root 24544 Jan 25 12:23 refcount_adjustments.dat

   # ps -eaf|grep cit
   root      3933  3931  0 10:52 pts/3    00:00:00 grep cit

   # telnet 504
   telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

   Another try, no luck
   # ./Citadel-x86_64.AppImage install

   # ./Citadel-x86_64.AppImage run
   ctdlvisor: Welcome to the Citadel System, brought to you using AppImage.
   ctdlvisor: LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /tmp/.mount_Citade2f7qVa/usr/lib
   ctdlvisor:            PATH = /tmp/.mount_Citade2f7qVa/usr/bin
   ctdlvisor:          APPDIR = /tmp/.mount_Citade2f7qVa
   ctdlvisor:  data directory = /usr/local/citadel
   ctdlvisor:       HTTP port = 80
   ctdlvisor:      HTTPS port = 443
   ctdlvisor: executing
   /tmp/.mount_Citade2f7qVa/usr/local/citadel/citserver with data
   directory /usr/local/citadel
   ctdlvisor: waiting for any child process to exit...
   ctdlvisor: executing /tmp/.mount_Citade2f7qVa/usr/local/webcit/webcit
   ctdlvisor: executing /tmp/.mount_Citade2f7qVa/usr/local/webcit/webcit
   ctdlvisor: pid=3955 exited, status=26880, exitcode=105
   ctdlvisor: citserver exited intentionally - ending AppImage session
   ctdlvisor: waiting for any child process to exit...
   ctdlvisor: pid=3956 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
   ctdlvisor: waiting for any child process to exit...
   ctdlvisor: pid=3957 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
   ctdlvisor: waiting for any child process to exit...
   ctdlvisor: pid=-1 exited, status=15, exitcode=0
   ctdlvisor: exit code 105

On 1/31/21 4:24 PM, IGnatius T Foobar wrote:
All right, here's something new to test. 64-bit AMD/Intel:
  32-bit ARM:
Both files are dated 2021-jan-31. This build should do a much better job at sticking to its run directory and
doing the right thing.  As always, please let me know if it works, or if it
doesn't work let me know what it did.
Important note: this build does not include the mailing list service. While
making the data directory "portable" I removed a lot of legacy code, and 
the mailing list service depended on some of that.  It's being rewritten in
a much cleaner way.

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