Interesting.  It sounds like we're making progress.  I haven't tried it on the public Internet yet, but I have a couple of extra public IP addresses so I'll give that a try next.

  • Have you considered that the AppImage can update the DB version of my current server?
  • Can the installation with easyinstall do this upgrade currently?
  • Or do you recommend me to go ahead something to be able to perform this migration when possible?
  • Do you think it is feasible to do an installation with EasyInstall, copy my DB to be updated and then move this DB to the VM where it will be used with the AppImage beta/final version.

When you run a Citadel Server with an existing database, if the database was written with an older version of Berkeley DB than the one Citadel is running with, it will automatically be upgraded.

So we really do need to make sure that the AppImage has a new-ish version of Berkeley DB included with it.  That's not a problem, I can put it in there.

Using this strategy means that YES, it is absolutely my intention that you should be able to use a database created under Easy Install, and run it under AppImage.

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