Hi Art

I started reading daily since the promise of the container in Docker, and now with the AppImage, I check daily especially your updates; but I almost don't comment so as not to invade the thread of your messages.

About the SSH connection freezing, an anecdote:
If I try to work remotely with SSH on my servers, and I neglect the keyboard for a few seconds / minutes, the connection freezes. I found that if I use ssh and run "tmux - terminal multiplexer" in the session, I can work without the connection freezing even if I leave the keyboard for hours.

There is something very strange with SSH and I have seen this for years since I started using Linux remotely, I don't know if this happens using putty and leaving the keyboard untouched for a while.

On 3/9/21 7:27 AM, IGnatius T Foobar wrote:
Finally ... got a working clone of Uncensored. It took eight hours to copy.
  When I do it for real I will have to schedule some actual downtime.  :(
I am going through the clone system and so far it appears to be a clean replica
of its source (but running in 64-bit of course).  New message pointers look
good, all the users are there, messages aren't missing ... so far it's pretty
So now there are just a few things to button up on that, and I can test the
AppImage on a real clone of a real system  :)
Hey ... do you guys read these random updates, or am I just talking to myself?

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