Submitting Code:  

What you said makes very good sense.  To try out submitting code, I cloned
down the citadel release, created a branch and made some updates to fix some
WebCit page issues and cleaned up a little formatting.  Seemed like a simple
change to submit with low impact for a first try.  I created a patch from
the branch (attached).  Is this what you were expecting for submitting


New Features:  

The Flagging and Aliasing were just examples.  The Aliasing is a big help to
my server, but I figured may not be considered a useful feature to others. 
It is a bit tricky to implement and as you noted, you have to be careful
about user names.  It is fun when you get to tell a company like Fidelity
Investments that their email list has been stolen and you have the proof :-) 

The flagging is most likely useful.  I added support for Draft, Flagged,
Deleted and Recent.  After reviewing the standards I noticed that Seen was
not quite implemented properly so I fixed that while implementing the
others.  I’ll write up details on it and send it to you.  

Building Code:  

The main issue I ran into was trying to build the server from the citadel
repository.  I normally have just copied the build after an easy install and
then made my changes on top of it so all I had to do is run Make.  With the
citadel repository, I tried to create the configure scripts and then run them
to create the make files, but ran into some missing files and script
errors.  I am compiling on Rocky Linux.  I assume that developers are not
running autoconf, etc. from just a citadel repository clone or to build easy
install.  What is the proper process for building from the repository?   

Attachment: 0001-WebCit-Fix-HTML-errors-and-clean-up-page-output.patch
Description: Binary data

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