 Another day, another person who won't listen. 
 Quick poll for fellow Citerati out there.  Does anyone think we still need
the `citmail` utility?  As a refresher, this program is an MDA, analagous
to `procmail` or `maildrop`, that files incoming mail into Citadel mailboxes
after it has been received by some third-party MTA such as Postfix or Sendmail.
 However, Citadel has for a long time offered an LMTP socket, and I believe
all modern MTAs can use LMTP to drop local mail to local users. 
 So what I'm looking for is someone to say "You're correct about that, IG;
spawning a process to invoke the MDA is sooooo 20 years ago and nobody does
it that way anymore" so that I can discontinue `citmail` entirely. 
 (The number of sites using Citadel Server with a third party MTA is vanishingly
small to begin with -- but not zero.) 

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