Hi all,
I am new to this mail group and have a question that probably needs
your kind of technical knowledge to answer. I want to use reactos,
however, up to its completion, can I use some libraries on windows to
replace them? In example, wine libraries can be superseded by original
windows libraries if you own them. I want to make the inverse of this
simply for security reasons to use a kernel fully opensource and which
have a documented api. So can I use ntkrnlos.exe and hal.dll or
similar in original windows installations to replace propriety kernel
and libraries for security reasons? If yes, which of them should I
use, and are they complete to replace them?
Also a second question may arise as "the priority of reactos
development can be focused on firstly these parts of the project or
Best Regards...
Ahmet Alper Parker

Ros-dev mailing list

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