On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 5:54 AM, David Quintana (gigaherz)
<gigaherz at gmail.com> wrote:
I think the real goal with moving to a platform such as github is reducing
the entry barriers for new contributors. As it has been mentioned already,
almost all projects who moved from SVN with "send patches" contribution
system, to Git/Hg with Pull Requests have got non-negligible growth in

I don't know... Speaking about "the entry barriers for new contributors", this is contributing now:

1. svn checkout svn://svn.reactos.org/reactos/trunk/reactos
2. // make changes
3. svn diff > patch_for_JIRA_issue

compare it with "Git/Hg with Pull Requests":

1. Create/Log in to your GitHub account
2. Go to the page for the code respository you want to contribute to (the “upstream”)
3. “Fork” the repository (this creates a clone to your GitHub account)
4. Create a local clone of your fork with git clone
5. Create a local branch for your changes
6. Make your changes and commit them to your local branch with git commit, ensuring to include a descriptive commit message
7. Push the branch to your GitHub fork using git push
8. Go to the page for the upstream repository go to the pull requests tab
9. Click the “New Pull Request” Button
10. Select the branch you want to submit, and write a summary of what your change explaining what it is intended to do and how it is implemented

which is the process for "Raising a Pull Request" described in here: http://oss-watch.ac.uk/resources/pullrequest (the preferred source chosed by Google search for explaining to me what a "pull request" is).

Ignoring the fact that new ReactOS contributions will have as prerequisite the signing up for a (commercial) third party service, GitHub may appear a good move for those familiar with GitHub intrinsic knowledge, but it doesn't to for the rest of us. I know that Amine Khaldi offered (on IRC, on #reactos-dev) to help to "resort to manually relaying to GH" "only if someone doesn't want to" sign up, but this will be counterproductive (who wants to be a burden and to abuse in such a way precious developer's time?) and will most likely prevent many not-so-motivated (but potentially precious) contributions outside this cherished GitHub community.

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