On 2016-08-10 00:10, gedmur...@svn.reactos.org wrote:
> +    /* Calc and allocate a buffer to hold our filter name */
> +    BufferLength = wcslen(lpFilterName) * sizeof(WCHAR);
> +    FilterName = RtlAllocateHeap(GetProcessHeap(),
> +                                 0,
> +                                 BufferLength + sizeof(UNICODE_STRING));
> +    if (FilterName == NULL)
> +    {
> +        CloseHandle(hFltMgr);
> +    }
> +
> +    /* Build up the filter name into a real life string */
> +    FilterName->Buffer = (PWCH)(FilterName + 1);
> +    FilterName->Length = BufferLength;
> +    FilterName->MaximumLength = BufferLength;
> +    RtlCopyMemory(FilterName->Buffer, lpFilterName, BufferLength);
> +
> +    /* Tell the filter manager to load the filter for us */
> +    dwError = SendIoctl(hFltMgr,
> +                        Load ? IOCTL_LOAD_FILTER : IOCTL_UNLOAD_FILTER,
> +                        FilterName,
> +                        BufferLength + sizeof(UNICODE_STRING));
> +
> +    /* Cleaup and bail*/
> +    CloseHandle(hFltMgr);
> +    return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError);
>  }

You're leaking this allocation.

> +// Hack - our SDK reports NTDDI_VERSION as 0x05020100 (from _WIN32_WINNT 
> 0x502)
> +// which doesn't pass the FLT_MGR_BASELINE check in fltkernel.h

We typically set this kind of thing in CMakeLists.txt.. however maybe
we should define it this way by default

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