Hi again,

some comments inline.

On 2017-05-15 03:59, hbelu...@svn.reactos.org wrote:
--- branches/setup_improvements/base/setup/usetup/osdetect.c    [iso-8859-1] 
+++ branches/setup_improvements/base/setup/usetup/osdetect.c    [iso-8859-1] 
Mon May 15 01:59:28 2017
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
 /* GLOBALS ******************************************************************/

 extern PPARTLIST PartitionList;
+/* Language-independent Vendor strings */
+static const PCWSTR KnownVendors[] = { L"ReactOS", L"Microsoft" };

 /* VERSION RESOURCE API ******************************************************/
@@ -361,36 +364,331 @@


+*wchar_t *wcsstr(string1, string2) - search for string2 in string1
+*       (wide strings)


+*       finds the first occurrence of string2 in string1 (wide strings)
+*       wchar_t *string1 - string to search in
+*       wchar_t *string2 - string to search for
+*       returns a pointer to the first occurrence of string2 in
+*       string1, or NULL if string2 does not occur in string1
+PWSTR FindSubStrI(PCWSTR str, PCWSTR strSearch)
+    PWSTR cp = (PWSTR)str;
+    PWSTR s1, s2;
+    if (!*strSearch)
+        return (PWSTR)str;
+    while (*cp)
+    {
+        s1 = cp;
+        s2 = (PWSTR)strSearch;
+        while (*s1 && *s2 && (towupper(*s1) == towupper(*s2)))
+            ++s1, ++s2;
+        if (!*s2)
+            return cp;
+        ++cp;
+    }
+    return NULL;
 static BOOLEAN
+    IN HANDLE RootDirectory OPTIONAL,
+    IN PCWSTR FileName,             // OPTIONAL
+    IN PCWSTR VendorName    // Better would be OUT PCWSTR*, and the function 
returning NTSTATUS ?
+    )
+    BOOLEAN Success = FALSE;
+    NTSTATUS Status;
+    HANDLE FileHandle, SectionHandle;
+    // SIZE_T ViewSize;
+    PVOID ViewBase;
+    PVOID VersionBuffer = NULL; // Read-only
+    PVOID pvData = NULL;
+    UINT BufLen = 0;
+    Status = OpenAndMapFile(RootDirectory, PathName, FileName,
+                            &FileHandle, &SectionHandle, &ViewBase);
+    if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
+    {
+        DPRINT1("Failed to open and map file %wZ, Status 0x%08lx\n", 
&FileName, Status);
+        return FALSE; // Status;
+    }
+    /* Make sure it's a valid PE file */
+    if (!RtlImageNtHeader(ViewBase))
+    {
+        DPRINT1("File %wZ does not seem to be a valid PE, bail out\n", 
+        goto UnmapFile;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Search for a valid executable version and vendor.
+     * NOTE: The module is loaded as a data file, it should be marked as such.
+     */
+    Status = NtGetVersionResource((PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)ViewBase | 1), 
&VersionBuffer, NULL);
+    if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
+    {
+        DPRINT1("Failed to get version resource for file %wZ, Status 0x%08lx\n", 
&FileName, Status);
+        goto UnmapFile;
+    }
+    Status = NtVerQueryValue(VersionBuffer, L"\\VarFileInfo\\Translation", 
&pvData, &BufLen);
+    if (NT_SUCCESS(Status))
+    {
+        USHORT wCodePage = 0, wLangID = 0;
+        WCHAR FileInfo[MAX_PATH];
+        UNICODE_STRING Vendor;
+        wCodePage = LOWORD(*(ULONG*)pvData);
+        wLangID   = HIWORD(*(ULONG*)pvData);
+        StringCchPrintfW(FileInfo, ARRAYSIZE(FileInfo),
+                         L"StringFileInfo\\%04X%04X\\CompanyName",
+                         wCodePage, wLangID);
+        Status = NtVerQueryValue(VersionBuffer, FileInfo, &pvData, &BufLen);
+        if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && pvData)
+        {
+            /* BufLen includes the NULL terminator count */
+            RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString(&Vendor, pvData, BufLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
+            Vendor.Length = Vendor.MaximumLength - sizeof(UNICODE_NULL);
+            DPRINT1("Found version vendor: \"%wZ\" for file %wZ\n", &Vendor, 
+            Success = !!FindSubStrI(pvData, VendorName);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            DPRINT1("No version vendor found for file %wZ\n", &FileName);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Finally, unmap and close the file */
+    UnMapFile(SectionHandle, ViewBase);
+    NtClose(FileHandle);

This seems clumsy. If there's a single function to open and map the
file, why isn't there one function to unmap and close?

+    return Success;
+static BOOLEAN
+    IN HANDLE PartitionHandle,
+    IN PCWSTR SystemRoot)
+    BOOLEAN Success = FALSE;
+    USHORT i;
+    WCHAR PathBuffer[MAX_PATH];
+    // DoesPathExist(PartitionHandle, SystemRoot, L"System32\\"); etc...
+    /* Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32 */
+    StringCchPrintfW(PathBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(PathBuffer), L"%s%s", SystemRoot, 
+    if (!DoesPathExist(PartitionHandle, PathBuffer))
+    {
+        // DPRINT1("Failed to open directory %wZ, Status 0x%08lx\n", 
&FileName, Status);

You know there's DPRINT for exactly this purpose, right?

+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    /* Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32\drivers */
+    StringCchPrintfW(PathBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(PathBuffer), L"%s%s", SystemRoot, 
+    if (!DoesPathExist(PartitionHandle, PathBuffer))
+    {
+        // DPRINT1("Failed to open directory %wZ, Status 0x%08lx\n", 
&FileName, Status);
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    /* Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32\config */
+    StringCchPrintfW(PathBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(PathBuffer), L"%s%s", SystemRoot, 
+    if (!DoesPathExist(PartitionHandle, PathBuffer))
+    {
+        // DPRINT1("Failed to open directory %wZ, Status 0x%08lx\n", 
&FileName, Status);
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+#if 0
+    /*
+     * Check for the existence of SYSTEM and SOFTWARE hives in 
+     * (but we don't check here whether they are actually valid).
+     */
+    if (!DoesFileExist(PartitionHandle, SystemRoot, 
+    {
+        // DPRINT1("Failed to open file %wZ, Status 0x%08lx\n", &FileName, 
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    if (!DoesFileExist(PartitionHandle, SystemRoot, 
+    {
+        // DPRINT1("Failed to open file %wZ, Status 0x%08lx\n", &FileName, 
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(KnownVendors); ++i)
+    {
+        /* Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32\ntoskrnl.exe and 
verify its version */
+        Success = CheckForValidPEAndVendor(PartitionHandle, SystemRoot, 
L"System32\\ntoskrnl.exe", KnownVendors[i]);
+        /* OPTIONAL: Check for the existence of 
\SystemRoot\System32\ntkrnlpa.exe */
+        /* Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32\ntdll.dll */
+        Success = CheckForValidPEAndVendor(PartitionHandle, SystemRoot, 
L"System32\\ntdll.dll", KnownVendors[i]);
+        /* We have found a correct vendor combination */
+        if (Success)
+            break;
+    }
+    return Success;
+typedef struct _NTOS_INSTALLATION
+    LIST_ENTRY ListEntry;
+    ULONG DiskNumber;
+    ULONG PartitionNumber;
+// Vendor????
+    WCHAR SystemRoot[MAX_PATH];
+/**/WCHAR InstallationName[MAX_PATH];/**/
+static VOID
+    ULONG NtOsInstallsCount = GetNumberOfListEntries(List);
+    DPRINT1("There %s %d installation%s detected:\n",
+            NtOsInstallsCount >= 2 ? "are" : "is",
+            NtOsInstallsCount,
+            NtOsInstallsCount >= 2 ? "s" : "");
+    Entry = GetFirstListEntry(List);
+    while (Entry)
+    {
+        NtOsInstall = (PNTOS_INSTALLATION)GetListEntryUserData(Entry);

Casts from PVOID to other pointer types are unnecessary.


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