Am 08.09.2017 um 14:34 schrieb Hermès BÉLUSCA-MAÏTO:> It seems that both these links : , and
give a clue on how to just download the files without the history... >
> [...]
The builder(s) can have a "working" directory, in which they check-out the
different "projects" they need for the build: reactos source can be DL'ed into
"working/reactos.git" ; the wallpapers, rostests etc... can be DL'ed into
"working/rostests" and "working/wallpapers", then symlinks (OK on *nix &
windows) into the "working/reactos.git/modules" can be created that point
to "working/wallpapers" and "working/rostests" , and then we build as usual

Both of your ideas destroy the automatic relationship of a specific revision of "reactos" with a specific revision of the modules.

We don't want to start telling people to use that particular version of "reactos" with that particular version of "rostests". It gets even worse if you want to hack on both in a branch.. So matching versions must always stay together, and this is why I want to keep them in a single repository, only enabled/disabled by a CMake variable.

Of course, the logical next step would be overhauling our tree layout.
But first things first ;)

* I don't get the idea of that "rossubsys" directory created in 2014..
These subsystems are all stubs, never built with modern ReactOS, and
no work has happened since "reviving" them. I would just go and remove
them again. You can always find them in our repository history.

As long as they can be found easily in the history, then ok.

As with every Version Control System, the difficulty of finding deleted files in history boils down to the creativity of your used GUI :)

Shortcut for you to find related commits:
  git log --name-only | grep -C 5 rossubsys

I have updated my conversion scripts and rules at to split off "documentation" into its own repository. Also they now perform the "reactos" directory reorganization and add the "0.4.7-dev" tag for git describe.



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