On 2018-03-18 21:06, Кирилл Печкарев wrote:
Hello, I am a 3rd year student of Nosov MSTU, studying in the direction of 
Information and Computer science. I would like to develop components to support 
Wi-Fi, this is the third item from the list left on the site 
(https://habrahabr.ru/company/reactos/blog/351382/) Language know on average, 
can use greater part of his features. Experience in development is available 
since I combine study and work, I work in Department on creation of MES 
decisions. Fast learner, willing to allocate to the project 1-2 hours a day, 
maybe more( according to circumstances)

(sorry for the resend, my first reply didn't include ros-dev)

Hi there, and thanks for your interest.

First of all, please note that GSoC is a full-time job, i.e. it is
expected that students work approximately 40 hours per week on their
project. Please refer to the official information at
https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/ for more details. Also check out
https://reactos.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_2018, which is ReactOS's
official GSoC landing page (the habrahabr post is unofficial).

As for the Wifi components, the most useful features ROS is missing
would be WPA2 as well as the UI components for connecting to networks.
You might want to look at the wpa_supplicant project to familiarize
yourself with the former, or try to find documentation on the Wireless
Zero Config Service for the latter. However other components are
also missing or incomplete, so it would make sense for you to try to
install ReactOS on a machine with a Wifi card, install the driver and
see how far you get. While the Wifi stack is supposed to be in a working
state, it's not being used by many people, so getting an initial idea of
how reliable the current implementation is would be interesting.
I'd suggest you join IRC, which will allow you to ask any questions you
encounter in the process. We'll also need to discuss who may be
available as a mentor for this project.

Finally, also note that we require a code submission from students
before their project proposals can be considered. So you should look
for a simple bug to fix or a test to add, and start work on submitting a
pull request. We'll be happy to help you with any step of the process
that you may have trouble with.
The starter-projects label on Jira may be able to provide some
inspiration: https://jira.reactos.org/issues/?filter=14803

Let us know if you have any questions. Looking forward to hearing more
from you.


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