Author: hbelusca
Date: Mon Jul 17 17:17:22 2017
New Revision: 75366

[CMD]: Update the description of the START command, with the commutators that 
are known to work.
Translators, please update the translations based on en-US!


Modified: trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/cs-CZ.rc
--- trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/cs-CZ.rc  [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/cs-CZ.rc  [iso-8859-1] Mon Jul 17 
17:17:22 2017
@@ -381,9 +381,18 @@
   string    Specifies a series of characters to assign to the variable.\n\n\
 Type SET without parameters to display the current environment variables.\n"
     STRING_START_HELP1 "Starts a command.\n\n\
-START command\n\n\
-  command     Specifies the command to run.\n\n\
-At the moment all commands are started asynchronously.\n"
+START [""title""] [/D path] [/I] [/B] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/WAIT]\n\
+      [command/program] [parameters]\n\n\
+  ""title""     Title of the window.\n\
+  path        Specifies the startup directory.\n\
+  I           Uses the original environment given to cmd.exe,\n\
+              instead of the current environment.\n\
+  B           Starts the command or program without creating any window.\n\
+  MIN         Starts with a minimized window.\n\
+  MAX         Starts with a maximized window.\n\
+  WAIT        Starts the command or program and waits for its termination.\n\
+  command     Specifies the command or program to run.\n\
+  parameters  Specifies the parameters to be given to the command or 
     STRING_TITLE_HELP "Sets the window title for the command prompt 
 TITLE [string]\n\n\
 string       Specifies the title for the command prompt window.\n"

Modified: trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/de-DE.rc
--- trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/de-DE.rc  [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/de-DE.rc  [iso-8859-1] Mon Jul 17 
17:17:22 2017
@@ -373,9 +373,18 @@
   Zeichenfolge Eine Zeichenfolge, die der Variable zugewiesen werden soll.\n\n\
 Der Befehl SET ohne Parameter zeigt die aktuellen Umgebungsvariablen an.\n"
     STRING_START_HELP1 "Startet einen Befehl.\n\n\
-START Befehl\n\n\
-  Befehl     Befehl welcher ausgeführt werden soll\n\n\
-Achtung: Derzeit werden alle Befehle asynchron ausgeführt.\n"
+START [""title""] [/D path] [/I] [/B] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/WAIT]\n\
+      [command/program] [parameters]\n\n\
+  ""title""     Title of the window.\n\
+  path        Specifies the startup directory.\n\
+  I           Uses the original environment given to cmd.exe,\n\
+              instead of the current environment.\n\
+  B           Starts the command or program without creating any window.\n\
+  MIN         Starts with a minimized window.\n\
+  MAX         Starts with a maximized window.\n\
+  WAIT        Starts the command or program and waits for its termination.\n\
+  Befehl      Befehl welcher ausgeführt werden soll.\n\
+  parameters  Specifies the parameters to be given to the command or 
     STRING_TITLE_HELP "Legt den Fenstertitel für das 
Eingabeaufforderungsfenster fest.\n\n\
 TITLE [Zeichenfolge]\n\n\
   Zeichenfolge      Bezeichnet den Titel des Eingabeaufforderungsfensters."

Modified: trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/el-GR.rc
--- trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/el-GR.rc  [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/el-GR.rc  [iso-8859-1] Mon Jul 17 
17:17:22 2017
@@ -380,9 +380,18 @@
   string    Specifies a series of characters to assign to the variable.\n\n\
 Type SET without parameters to display the current environment variables.\n"
     STRING_START_HELP1 "Ξεκινάει ένα ξεχωριστό παράθυ
ρο για την εκτέλεση ενός καθορισμένου 
προγράμματος ή εντολής.\n\n\
-START εντολή\n\n\
-  εντολή    Προσδιορίζει την εντολή για 
-At the moment all commands are started asynchronously.\n"
+START [""title""] [/D path] [/I] [/B] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/WAIT]\n\
+      [command/program] [parameters]\n\n\
+  ""title""     Title of the window.\n\
+  path        Specifies the startup directory.\n\
+  I           Uses the original environment given to cmd.exe,\n\
+              instead of the current environment.\n\
+  B           Starts the command or program without creating any window.\n\
+  MIN         Starts with a minimized window.\n\
+  MAX         Starts with a maximized window.\n\
+  WAIT        Starts the command or program and waits for its termination.\n\
+  εντολή      Προσδιορίζει την εντολή για 
+  parameters  Specifies the parameters to be given to the command or 
     STRING_TITLE_HELP "Sets the window title for the command prompt 
 TITLE [string]\n\n\
 string       Specifies the title for the command prompt window.\n"

Modified: trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/en-US.rc
--- trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/en-US.rc  [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/en-US.rc  [iso-8859-1] Mon Jul 17 
17:17:22 2017
@@ -376,9 +376,18 @@
   string    Specifies a series of characters to assign to the variable.\n\n\
 Type SET without parameters to display the current environment variables.\n"
     STRING_START_HELP1 "Starts a command.\n\n\
-START command\n\n\
-  command     Specifies the command to run.\n\n\
-At the moment all commands are started asynchronously.\n"
+START [""title""] [/D path] [/I] [/B] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/WAIT]\n\
+      [command/program] [parameters]\n\n\
+  ""title""     Title of the window.\n\
+  path        Specifies the startup directory.\n\
+  I           Uses the original environment given to cmd.exe,\n\
+              instead of the current environment.\n\
+  B           Starts the command or program without creating any window.\n\
+  MIN         Starts with a minimized window.\n\
+  MAX         Starts with a maximized window.\n\
+  WAIT        Starts the command or program and waits for its termination.\n\
+  command     Specifies the command or program to run.\n\
+  parameters  Specifies the parameters to be given to the command or 
     STRING_TITLE_HELP "Sets the window title for the command prompt 
 TITLE [string]\n\n\
 string       Specifies the title for the command prompt window.\n"

Modified: trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/es-ES.rc
--- trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/es-ES.rc  [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/es-ES.rc  [iso-8859-1] Mon Jul 17 
17:17:22 2017
@@ -378,9 +378,18 @@
   string    Especifies la serie de caracteres para asignar a la variable.\n\n\
 Escribe SET sin parámetros para mostrar las variables de entorno actuales.\n"
     STRING_START_HELP1 "Empieza un comando.\n\n\
-START comando\n\n\
-  comando     Especifica el comando a ejecutar.\n\n\
-Por el momento todos los comandos son ejecutados de forma asincrónica.\n"
+START [""title""] [/D path] [/I] [/B] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/WAIT]\n\
+      [command/program] [parameters]\n\n\
+  ""title""     Title of the window.\n\
+  path        Specifies the startup directory.\n\
+  I           Uses the original environment given to cmd.exe,\n\
+              instead of the current environment.\n\
+  B           Starts the command or program without creating any window.\n\
+  MIN         Starts with a minimized window.\n\
+  MAX         Starts with a maximized window.\n\
+  WAIT        Starts the command or program and waits for its termination.\n\
+  comando     Especifica el comando a ejecutar.\n\
+  parameters  Specifies the parameters to be given to the command or 
     STRING_TITLE_HELP "Cambia el título de la ventqana del intérprete de 
 TITLE [cadena]\n\n\
 cadena       Especifica el título de la ventana del intérprete de 

Modified: trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/fr-FR.rc
--- trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/fr-FR.rc  [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/fr-FR.rc  [iso-8859-1] Mon Jul 17 
17:17:22 2017
@@ -390,9 +390,18 @@
   chaine    Indique une série de caractères à assigner à la variable.\n\n\
 Taper SET sans paramètres pour afficher les variables d'environnement 
     STRING_START_HELP1 "Lance une commande.\n\n\
-START commande\n\n\
-  commande    Indique la commande à lancer.\n\n\
-Pour le moment toutes les commandes sont lancées de façon asynchrone.\n"
+START [""titre""] [/D chemin] [/I] [/B] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/WAIT]\n\
+      [commande/programme] [paramètres]\n\n\
+  ""titre""     Titre de la fenêtre.\n\
+  chemin      Indique le répertoire de départ.\n\
+  I           Utilise l'environnement original passé à cmd.exe,\n\
+              au lieu de l'environnement actuel.\n\
+  B           Lance la commande ou le programme sans créer de fenêtre.\n\
+  MIN         Démarre avec la fenêtre réduite.\n\
+  MAX         Démarre avec la fenêtre agrandie.\n\
+  WAIT        Lance la commande ou le programme et attend qu'elle termine.\n\
+  commande    Indique la commande ou le programme à lancer.\n\
+  paramètres  Spécifie les paramètres à passer à la commande ou au 
     STRING_TITLE_HELP "Change le titre de la fenêtre de l'invite de 
 TITLE [chaine]\n\n\
 chaine       Indique le titre de la fenêtre de l'invite de commandes."

Modified: trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/hu-HU.rc
--- trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/hu-HU.rc  [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/hu-HU.rc  [iso-8859-1] Mon Jul 17 
17:17:22 2017
@@ -360,9 +360,18 @@
   érték    A beállítandó érték.\n\n\
 Paraméterek nélkül megjeleníti az összes környezetiváltozót.\n"
     STRING_START_HELP1 "Végrehajt egy parancsot.\n\n\
-START parancs\n\n\
-  parancs     Végrehajtja a megadott parancsot.\n\n\
-Jelenleg minden parancs aszinkron hajtódik végre.\n"
+START [""title""] [/D path] [/I] [/B] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/WAIT]\n\
+      [command/program] [parameters]\n\n\
+  ""title""     Title of the window.\n\
+  path        Specifies the startup directory.\n\
+  I           Uses the original environment given to cmd.exe,\n\
+              instead of the current environment.\n\
+  B           Starts the command or program without creating any window.\n\
+  MIN         Starts with a minimized window.\n\
+  MAX         Starts with a maximized window.\n\
+  WAIT        Starts the command or program and waits for its termination.\n\
+  parancs     Végrehajtja a megadott parancsot.\n\
+  parameters  Specifies the parameters to be given to the command or 
     STRING_TITLE_HELP "Beállítja az ablak címsorának szövegét.\n\n\
 TITLE [szöveg]\n\n\
 szöveg       Beállítja az ablak címsorának szövegét.\n"

Modified: trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/id-ID.rc
--- trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/id-ID.rc  [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/id-ID.rc  [iso-8859-1] Mon Jul 17 
17:17:22 2017
@@ -377,9 +377,18 @@
   string    Menetapkan deretan karakter untuk ditempatkan ke variabel.\n\n\
 Ketik SET tanpa parameter untuk menampilkan variabel lingkungan sekarang.\n"
     STRING_START_HELP1 "Memulai sebuah perintah.\n\n\
-START command\n\n\
-  command     Menetapkab perintah yang dilaksanakan.\n\n\
-Untuk saat ini semua perintah dimulai secara asinkronos.\n"
+START [""title""] [/D path] [/I] [/B] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/WAIT]\n\
+      [command/program] [parameters]\n\n\
+  ""title""     Title of the window.\n\
+  path        Specifies the startup directory.\n\
+  I           Uses the original environment given to cmd.exe,\n\
+              instead of the current environment.\n\
+  B           Starts the command or program without creating any window.\n\
+  MIN         Starts with a minimized window.\n\
+  MAX         Starts with a maximized window.\n\
+  WAIT        Starts the command or program and waits for its termination.\n\
+  command     Menetapkab perintah yang dilaksanakan.\n\
+  parameters  Specifies the parameters to be given to the command or 
     STRING_TITLE_HELP "Menyetel judul jendela untuk jendela prompt 
 TITLE [string]\n\n\
 string       Menetapkan judul untuk jendela prompt perintah.\n"

Modified: trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/it-IT.rc
--- trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/it-IT.rc  [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/it-IT.rc  [iso-8859-1] Mon Jul 17 
17:17:22 2017
@@ -384,9 +384,18 @@
   stringa   Indica il testo da assegnare alla variabile.\n\n\
 Usa SET senza parametri per visualizzare le variabili attuali.\n"
     STRING_START_HELP1 "Attiva un comando.\n\n\
-START comando\n\n\
-  comando     Indica il comando da eseguire.\n\n\
-Al momento tutti i comandi sono attivati in modo asincrono.\n"
+START [""title""] [/D path] [/I] [/B] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/WAIT]\n\
+      [command/program] [parameters]\n\n\
+  ""title""     Title of the window.\n\
+  path        Specifies the startup directory.\n\
+  I           Uses the original environment given to cmd.exe,\n\
+              instead of the current environment.\n\
+  B           Starts the command or program without creating any window.\n\
+  MIN         Starts with a minimized window.\n\
+  MAX         Starts with a maximized window.\n\
+  WAIT        Starts the command or program and waits for its termination.\n\
+  comando     Indica il comando da eseguire.\n\
+  parameters  Specifies the parameters to be given to the command or 
     STRING_TITLE_HELP "Assegna il titolo per la finestra dei comandi.\n\n\
 TITLE [stringa]\n\n\
 stringa      Indica il titolo.\n"

Modified: trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/ja-JP.rc
--- trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/ja-JP.rc  [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/ja-JP.rc  [iso-8859-1] Mon Jul 17 
17:17:22 2017
@@ -385,9 +385,18 @@
   文字列   変数に割り当てる文字列を指定します。\n\n\
SET と入力してください。\n"
-START コマンド\n\n\
-  コマンド    実行するコマンドを指定します。\n\n\
+START [""title""] [/D path] [/I] [/B] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/WAIT]\n\
+      [command/program] [parameters]\n\n\
+  ""title""     Title of the window.\n\
+  path        Specifies the startup directory.\n\
+  I           Uses the original environment given to cmd.exe,\n\
+              instead of the current environment.\n\
+  B           Starts the command or program without creating any window.\n\
+  MIN         Starts with a minimized window.\n\
+  MAX         Starts with a maximized window.\n\
+  WAIT        Starts the command or program and waits for its termination.\n\
+  コマンド       実行するコマンドを指定します。\n\
+  parameters  Specifies the parameters to be given to the command or 
     STRING_TITLE_HELP "コマンド プロンプト 
ウィンドウのウィンドウ タイトルを設定します。\n\n\
 TITLE [文字列]\n\n\
 文字列       コマンド プロンプト 

Modified: trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/no-NO.rc
--- trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/no-NO.rc  [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/no-NO.rc  [iso-8859-1] Mon Jul 17 
17:17:22 2017
@@ -375,9 +375,18 @@
   string    Spesifisere en serie av tegn til bestemme variabel.\n\n\
 Skriv SET uten parameter for å vise gjeldende miljøvariabler.\n"
     STRING_START_HELP1 "Start en kommando.\n\n\
-START kommando\n\n\
-  kommando     Spesifisere kommando for å kjøre.\n\n\
-NB; for øyeblikket blir alle kommandoer startet asynkront.\n"
+START [""title""] [/D path] [/I] [/B] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/WAIT]\n\
+      [command/program] [parameters]\n\n\
+  ""title""     Title of the window.\n\
+  path        Specifies the startup directory.\n\
+  I           Uses the original environment given to cmd.exe,\n\
+              instead of the current environment.\n\
+  B           Starts the command or program without creating any window.\n\
+  MIN         Starts with a minimized window.\n\
+  MAX         Starts with a maximized window.\n\
+  WAIT        Starts the command or program and waits for its termination.\n\
+  kommando     Spesifisere kommando for å kjøre.\n\
+  parameters  Specifies the parameters to be given to the command or 
     STRING_TITLE_HELP "Velg vindustittel for kommandotolkvindu.\n\n\
 TITLE [streng]\n\n\
 streng       Spesifisere tittel for kommandotolkvindu.\n"

Modified: trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/pl-PL.rc
--- trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/pl-PL.rc  [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/pl-PL.rc  [iso-8859-1] Mon Jul 17 
17:17:22 2017
@@ -381,9 +381,18 @@
   parametry    Określa parametry przypisane do tej zmiennej.\n\n\
 Wpisz SET bez żadnych parametrów, by wyświetlić obecne ustawienia 
     STRING_START_HELP1 "Wywołuje komendę.\n\n\
-START komenda\n\n\
-  komenda     Określa komendę, jaka ma być wywołana.\n\n\
-Obecnie wszystkie komendy są uruchamiane asynchronicznie.\n"
+START [""title""] [/D path] [/I] [/B] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/WAIT]\n\
+      [command/program] [parameters]\n\n\
+  ""title""     Title of the window.\n\
+  path        Specifies the startup directory.\n\
+  I           Uses the original environment given to cmd.exe,\n\
+              instead of the current environment.\n\
+  B           Starts the command or program without creating any window.\n\
+  MIN         Starts with a minimized window.\n\
+  MAX         Starts with a maximized window.\n\
+  WAIT        Starts the command or program and waits for its termination.\n\
+  komenda     Określa komendę, jaka ma być wywołana.\n\
+  parameters  Specifies the parameters to be given to the command or 
     STRING_TITLE_HELP "Ustawia tytuł dla okna ze znakiem zachęty.\n\n\
 TITLE [tytuł]\n\n\
 tytuł       Określa tytuł dla okna.\n"

Modified: trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/ro-RO.rc
--- trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/ro-RO.rc  [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/ro-RO.rc  [iso-8859-1] Mon Jul 17 
17:17:22 2017
@@ -412,9 +412,18 @@
   șir       Seria de caractere asociate variabilei.\n\n\
 Tastați SET fără argumente pentru afișarea variabilelor curente.\n"
     STRING_START_HELP1 "Lansează o comandă.\n\n\
-START comandă\n\n\
-  comandă     Comanda specificată pentru lansare.\n\n\
-La moment toate comenzile sunt lansate asincron.\n"
+START [""title""] [/D path] [/I] [/B] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/WAIT]\n\
+      [command/program] [parameters]\n\n\
+  ""title""     Title of the window.\n\
+  path        Specifies the startup directory.\n\
+  I           Uses the original environment given to cmd.exe,\n\
+              instead of the current environment.\n\
+  B           Starts the command or program without creating any window.\n\
+  MIN         Starts with a minimized window.\n\
+  MAX         Starts with a maximized window.\n\
+  WAIT        Starts the command or program and waits for its termination.\n\
+  comandă     Comanda specificată pentru lansare.\n\
+  parameters  Specifies the parameters to be given to the command or 
     STRING_TITLE_HELP "Stabilește titlul pentru fereastra consolei.\n\n\
 TITLE [șir]\n\n\
   șir       Titlul specificat pentru fereastra consolei.\n"

Modified: trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/ru-RU.rc
--- trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/ru-RU.rc  [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/ru-RU.rc  [iso-8859-1] Mon Jul 17 
17:17:22 2017
@@ -385,9 +385,18 @@
   значение    Строка символов, 
присваиваемая указанной переменной.\n\n\
 SET без параметров выводит текущие значения 
переменных среды.\n"
     STRING_START_HELP1 "Запуск указанной программы 
или команды.\n\n\
-START команда\n\n\
-  команда     Команда или программа для 
-В данный момент все команды запускаются 
+START [""title""] [/D path] [/I] [/B] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/WAIT]\n\
+      [command/program] [parameters]\n\n\
+  ""title""     Title of the window.\n\
+  path        Specifies the startup directory.\n\
+  I           Uses the original environment given to cmd.exe,\n\
+              instead of the current environment.\n\
+  B           Starts the command or program without creating any window.\n\
+  MIN         Starts with a minimized window.\n\
+  MAX         Starts with a maximized window.\n\
+  WAIT        Starts the command or program and waits for its termination.\n\
+  команда     Команда или программа для 
+  parameters  Specifies the parameters to be given to the command or 
     STRING_TITLE_HELP "Изменение заголовка окна 
командной строки.\n\n\
 TITLE [строка]\n\n\
 строка       Будущий заголовок окна 
командной строки.\n"

Modified: trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/sk-SK.rc
--- trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/sk-SK.rc  [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/sk-SK.rc  [iso-8859-1] Mon Jul 17 
17:17:22 2017
@@ -382,9 +382,18 @@
   string    Specifies a series of characters to assign to the variable.\n\n\
 Type SET without parameters to display the current environment variables.\n"
     STRING_START_HELP1 "Starts a command.\n\n\
-START command\n\n\
-  command     Specifies the command to run.\n\n\
-At the moment all commands are started asynchronously.\n"
+START [""title""] [/D path] [/I] [/B] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/WAIT]\n\
+      [command/program] [parameters]\n\n\
+  ""title""     Title of the window.\n\
+  path        Specifies the startup directory.\n\
+  I           Uses the original environment given to cmd.exe,\n\
+              instead of the current environment.\n\
+  B           Starts the command or program without creating any window.\n\
+  MIN         Starts with a minimized window.\n\
+  MAX         Starts with a maximized window.\n\
+  WAIT        Starts the command or program and waits for its termination.\n\
+  command     Specifies the command or program to run.\n\
+  parameters  Specifies the parameters to be given to the command or 
     STRING_TITLE_HELP "Sets the window title for the command prompt 
 TITLE [string]\n\n\
 string       Specifies the title for the command prompt window.\n"

Modified: trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/sq-AL.rc
--- trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/sq-AL.rc  [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/sq-AL.rc  [iso-8859-1] Mon Jul 17 
17:17:22 2017
@@ -380,9 +380,18 @@
   string    Specifikon një seri karakteresh që i përkasim variablave.\n\n\
 Shkuaj SET pa parametra te paraqitura ne ekran për variablet e mjedisit.\n"
     STRING_START_HELP1 "Fillon në komandë.\n\n\
-START komande\n\n\
-  command     Specifiko komandën për të filluar.\n\n\
-Në këtë moment të gjithë komandat janë nisur sipas sinkronizimit.\n"
+START [""title""] [/D path] [/I] [/B] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/WAIT]\n\
+      [command/program] [parameters]\n\n\
+  ""title""     Title of the window.\n\
+  path        Specifies the startup directory.\n\
+  I           Uses the original environment given to cmd.exe,\n\
+              instead of the current environment.\n\
+  B           Starts the command or program without creating any window.\n\
+  MIN         Starts with a minimized window.\n\
+  MAX         Starts with a maximized window.\n\
+  WAIT        Starts the command or program and waits for its termination.\n\
+  komande     Specifiko komandën për të filluar.\n\
+  parameters  Specifies the parameters to be given to the command or 
     STRING_TITLE_HELP "Vendos titullin e dritares për dritaren e komandëns 
se shpejtë.\n\n\
 TITLE [string]\n\n\
 string       Specifikon titullin e dritares për dritaren e komandëns se 

Modified: trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/sv-SE.rc
--- trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/sv-SE.rc  [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/sv-SE.rc  [iso-8859-1] Mon Jul 17 
17:17:22 2017
@@ -375,9 +375,18 @@
   string    Anger en serie av tegn til bestemme variabel.\n\n\
 Skriv SET uten parameter för att visa aktuell miljøvariabler.\n"
     STRING_START_HELP1 "Start en kommando.\n\n\
-START kommando\n\n\
-  kommando     Anger kommando för att kjøre.\n\n\
-NB; for øyeblikket blir alle kommandoer startet asynkront.\n"
+START [""title""] [/D path] [/I] [/B] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/WAIT]\n\
+      [command/program] [parameters]\n\n\
+  ""title""     Title of the window.\n\
+  path        Specifies the startup directory.\n\
+  I           Uses the original environment given to cmd.exe,\n\
+              instead of the current environment.\n\
+  B           Starts the command or program without creating any window.\n\
+  MIN         Starts with a minimized window.\n\
+  MAX         Starts with a maximized window.\n\
+  WAIT        Starts the command or program and waits for its termination.\n\
+  kommando    Anger kommando för att kjøre.\n\
+  parameters  Specifies the parameters to be given to the command or 
     STRING_TITLE_HELP "Velg vindustittel for kommandotolkvindu.\n\n\
 TITLE [streng]\n\n\
 streng       Anger tittel for kommandotolkvindu.\n"

Modified: trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/tr-TR.rc
--- trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/tr-TR.rc  [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/tr-TR.rc  [iso-8859-1] Mon Jul 17 
17:17:22 2017
@@ -382,9 +382,18 @@
   string    Değişkene atamak için bir dizi damgayı belirtir.\n\n\
 Şimdiki ortam değişkenlerini görüntülemek için değişkensiz SET 
     STRING_START_HELP1 "Bir komut başlatır.\n\n\
-START komut\n\n\
-  komut       Çalıştırılacak komutu belirtir.\n\n\
-Şu anda tüm komutlar eş zamanlı olmadan çalıştırılmıştır.\n"
+START [""title""] [/D path] [/I] [/B] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/WAIT]\n\
+      [command/program] [parameters]\n\n\
+  ""title""     Title of the window.\n\
+  path        Specifies the startup directory.\n\
+  I           Uses the original environment given to cmd.exe,\n\
+              instead of the current environment.\n\
+  B           Starts the command or program without creating any window.\n\
+  MIN         Starts with a minimized window.\n\
+  MAX         Starts with a maximized window.\n\
+  WAIT        Starts the command or program and waits for its termination.\n\
+  komut       Çalıştırılacak komutu belirtir.\n\
+  parameters  Specifies the parameters to be given to the command or 
     STRING_TITLE_HELP "Komut istemi penceresi için pencere başlığını 
 TITLE [dizgi]\n\n\
 dizgi        Komut istemi penceresi için başlığı belirtir.\n"

Modified: trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/uk-UA.rc
--- trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/uk-UA.rc  [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/uk-UA.rc  [iso-8859-1] Mon Jul 17 
17:17:22 2017
@@ -386,9 +386,18 @@
   значення   Рядок символiв, що 
призначається вказанiй змiннiй.\n\n\
 SET без параметрiв виводить поточнi значення 
змiнних середовища.\n"
     STRING_START_HELP1 "Запуск команди.\n\n\
-START команда\n\n\
-  команда     Команда для запуску.\n\n\
-На даний момент всi команди стартують асинх
+START [""title""] [/D path] [/I] [/B] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/WAIT]\n\
+      [command/program] [parameters]\n\n\
+  ""title""     Title of the window.\n\
+  path        Specifies the startup directory.\n\
+  I           Uses the original environment given to cmd.exe,\n\
+              instead of the current environment.\n\
+  B           Starts the command or program without creating any window.\n\
+  MIN         Starts with a minimized window.\n\
+  MAX         Starts with a maximized window.\n\
+  WAIT        Starts the command or program and waits for its termination.\n\
+  команда     Команда для запуску.\n\
+  parameters  Specifies the parameters to be given to the command or 
     STRING_TITLE_HELP "Змiна заголовка вiкна 
командного рядка.\n\n\
 TITLE [рядок]\n\n\
 рядок       Майбутнiй заголовок вiкна 
командного рядка.\n"

Modified: trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/zh-CN.rc
--- trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/zh-CN.rc  [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/zh-CN.rc  [iso-8859-1] Mon Jul 17 
17:17:22 2017
@@ -351,9 +351,18 @@
   字符串      指定要赋给该环境变量的一系列字符。\n\n\
 执行不带参数的 SET 将会显示当前所有环境变量。\n"
     STRING_START_HELP1 "启动一个命令。\n\n\
-START 命令\n\n\
-  命令        要启动的命令。\n\n\
+START [""title""] [/D path] [/I] [/B] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/WAIT]\n\
+      [command/program] [parameters]\n\n\
+  ""title""     Title of the window.\n\
+  path        Specifies the startup directory.\n\
+  I           Uses the original environment given to cmd.exe,\n\
+              instead of the current environment.\n\
+  B           Starts the command or program without creating any window.\n\
+  MIN         Starts with a minimized window.\n\
+  MAX         Starts with a maximized window.\n\
+  WAIT        Starts the command or program and waits for its termination.\n\
+  命令         要启动的命令。\n\
+  parameters  Specifies the parameters to be given to the command or 
     STRING_TITLE_HELP "设置命令提示符窗口的标题。\n\n\
 TITLE [字符串]\n\n\
 字符串         指定命令提示符窗口的标题。\n"

Modified: trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/zh-TW.rc
--- trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/zh-TW.rc  [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ trunk/reactos/base/shell/cmd/lang/zh-TW.rc  [iso-8859-1] Mon Jul 17 
17:17:22 2017
@@ -351,9 +351,18 @@
   字元串      指定要賦給該環境變數的一系列字元。\n\n\
 執行不帶參數的 SET 將會顯示當前所有環境變數。\n"
     STRING_START_HELP1 "啟動一個命令。\n\n\
-START 命令\n\n\
-  命令        要啟動的命令。\n\n\
+START [""title""] [/D path] [/I] [/B] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/WAIT]\n\
+      [command/program] [parameters]\n\n\
+  ""title""     Title of the window.\n\
+  path        Specifies the startup directory.\n\
+  I           Uses the original environment given to cmd.exe,\n\
+              instead of the current environment.\n\
+  B           Starts the command or program without creating any window.\n\
+  MIN         Starts with a minimized window.\n\
+  MAX         Starts with a maximized window.\n\
+  WAIT        Starts the command or program and waits for its termination.\n\
+  命令         要啟動的命令。\n\
+  parameters  Specifies the parameters to be given to the command or 
     STRING_TITLE_HELP "設定命令提示符視窗的標題。\n\n\
 TITLE [字元串]\n\n\
 字元串         指定命令提示符視窗的標題。\n"

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