
commit 3fa740aa81ba215f9239297933961d918e80178e
Author:     Splitwirez <>
AuthorDate: Sun Sep 8 04:10:05 2024 -0700
Commit:     GitHub <>
CommitDate: Sun Sep 8 13:10:05 2024 +0200

    [SHELL32] Revise "Desktop" icon (#7312)
    Makes the "Desktop" icon look a bit more than the thing from Windows 7. 
Both: bottom-most right-most within the taskbar, and also used within the 
comdlg32 file-open-dialog.
    * Update desktop icon (35) in shell32
    * Fix SVGs
 dll/win32/shell32/res/icons/35.ico                 | Bin 25214 -> 15086 bytes
 dll/win32/shell32/res/icons/svg/35-desktop-16x.svg | 271 ++++++++++++++++++++
 dll/win32/shell32/res/icons/svg/35-desktop-32x.svg | 285 +++++++++++++++++++++
 dll/win32/shell32/res/icons/svg/35-desktop-48x.svg | 284 ++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 840 insertions(+)

diff --git a/dll/win32/shell32/res/icons/35.ico 
index adf5608a60b..3a5b7e0f46a 100644
Binary files a/dll/win32/shell32/res/icons/35.ico and 
b/dll/win32/shell32/res/icons/35.ico differ
diff --git a/dll/win32/shell32/res/icons/svg/35-desktop-16x.svg 
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