Thanks for the timely response.

>> Table b has an FK to table a. Table b also has an FK to table c.  These FK
>> columns are all NOT NULL constrained.
> If that is the case, and if referential integrity is turned on for the
> foreign key that links b to c, then you are telling RDBO that no row
> in b can ever exist without a corresponding row in c.  Thus, the
> behavior you observe is valid:
If I was using table b as the foundation of the query (i.e. 
MyApp::Model::B::Manager->get_objects()), then I would agree with you.  
But I'm not; I'm using table *a* as the foundation (i.e. 
MyApp::Model::A::Manager->get_objects()), which does not have an FK to 
table b -- it only has a one-to-many relationship to table b.  Thus, by 
putting b and b.c in 'with_objects', I'm saying that I definitely want 
my 'a' records, and whatever 'b' and 'b.c' records there might be 
(excluding any additional limits I choose to put in the where clause).

Doesn't putting 'b' in the 'with_objects' set make 'b' records desired 
-- but, critically, optional  -- for the query result?  In which case, 
while the behaviors regarding foreign keys with full referential 
integrity enabled are appropriate in determining what 'b' records (and 
'c' records) show up in  the result, it should not influence whether an 
'a' record can or cannot be returned?  That's the point of my email; 
this relationship between b and c and its surrounding rules are 
preventing the 'a' records from showing up, when I've asked for 'b' 
records in a "give 'em if you've got 'em" fashion (as opposed to the 
"only give 'em if its got 'em" approach of 'require_objects').

Does that make more sense?
>> Where I to use get_objects for table a, it would be reasonable to use a
>> with_objects setting of: [ qw( b b.c ) ]
>> However, this will fail to return any records for which table c cannot
>> be found, despite the fact that table c is requested as a member of
>> with_objects rather than require_objects.
> If you do not want this behavior (say, because you're using a database
> that does not enforce referential integrity on its foreign keys, even
> when the columns involved are NOT NULL), then turn off the
> refferential_integrity attribute for the foreign key that links b to
> c:
Yes, I noted this in my initial email. :)

Thanks again for your response.
- Ethan

Ethan Rowe
End Point Corporation

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