On Feb 17, 2008 3:36 PM, John Siracusa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Maybe, but as I've said I'm not really a fan of runtime parameter
> validation.

I'm a horrible typist which makes me a big fan.

Doing it in just one place may have a minimal impact, but
> then the question becomes, why isn't it done everywhere?  (Doing it
> everywhere adds significant overhead, both in terms of runtime cost
> and code bulk.)  Do we add it on a per-request basis every time
> someone mistypes a parameter name?  It's quite a sinkhole, IMO, which
> is why I do it nowhere: it's the egalitarian approach ;)

I think all public APIs should have validation.  Using it for complex
internal APIs can have value too, but it's definitely not as big a win.
I'll admit that I don't always follow this prescription, but the more
comfortable I get with Params::Validate the more often I use it.

I think the maintainance hastle of maintaining param checking code is
greatly reduced by using a module like Params::Validate.  It needs one hash
per method with one item per parameter.  Compared to maintaining POD
describing the parameters it's a breeze!

As far as runtime overhead, there's only one way to know for sure what it
would cost.  I'll play with it and report back.

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